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Freedom of Truth News 12/8/24

Check out this outstanding website

It is a learning facility, just launched to enable people to become properly informed about all vaccines with a focus on the childhood immunisation schedule.

This outstanding platform is worth every Australian signing up to, please take time to click on the links provided as this platform is unparalleled and will be the greatest help to properly informing all budding young families and the public in general...basically doing the job the government should be doing.

But as we all know the government relies upon advice from regulatory authorities that are heavily swayed by corporate interests... such is our current system.. if you sign up for it you will immediately receive an email with 3 pages of Facts about vaccines prepared by DR Judy Wilyman.

Inform Me - a series of podcasts and online

A resource dedicated to unpacking the Australian Childhood Immunisation Schedule. The program begins with general topics to give an overview and background on the formation of the schedule, before meticulously dissecting each vaccine over the period of a fortnight, to equip our audience with comprehensive knowledge on every dose.

Informative Framework: Before diving into specific vaccines, they set the stage by addressing overarching themes and background information. They’re aim is to provide a contextual understanding of the Childhood Immunisation Schedule. Through expert analysis and accessible discourse, they demystify complex concepts, empowering the audience to navigate the intricate landscape of vaccination.

In-Depth Exploration: Each vaccine is meticulously examined over a fortnight, allowing ample time for thorough discussion and exploration. From mechanism of action to efficacy and safety profiles, no aspect is left unexplored. Moreover, they arm they’re audience with a plethora of tools and resources, facilitating a deeper understanding and informed decision- making regarding vaccination.

Expanding Horizons: While the initial focus lies on the Australian Immunisation Schedule, they’re vision extends far beyond geographical boundaries. They understand that the fundamentals of vaccines transcend borders, making the content invaluable worldwide. By laying a strong foundation with the Australian Schedule, they pave the way to explore vaccines common to many countries, ensuring they’re insights remain universally applicable.

Empowering Engagement: Inform Me goes beyond mere dissemination of information; it fosters active engagement and participation. Through expert interviews, audience Q&A sessions, and interactive segments, they cultivate a dynamic community of learners and advocates. By empowering individuals with knowledge, They aim to catalyse meaningful conversations and drive positive change.


Our vision is a world where every individual has access to accurate, unbiased information about vaccines, enabling them to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. We strive to cultivate a global community built on trust, integrity, transparency, honesty, and compassion, where dialogue surrounding vaccination is characterised by empathy, understanding, and respect for individual autonomy.


To provide individuals worldwide with thorough, reliable information about vaccines, promoting informed consent and empowering individuals to make educated decisions regarding their health and that of their families and wider communities.

Great little trailer video link

From Marilyn Vine for all those up north...

Hi Everyone, Don't miss tomorrows meeting Tuesday 13th August !!!!

Special guest speaker author and researcher Wendy Daniel will be presenting her 2 new books Vaccines and Detox from Covid . Please look at the attached information and TELL EVERYONE YOU CAN . COME ALONG. This is a great resource for family and friends for the benefit of their health . The books are $20 each . A bargain for the information they contain.

Please come and support Wendy in her mission to create awareness and help people and their children with their health . These valuable books would be excellent gifts. Please spread this important news to as many people as you can .

She also has a children’s book Welcome, Earthling $15

Hope to see you at the CWA HALL Batehaven. $5 covers a cuppa and hall hire.


An introduction from Nadine Sisterson:

Remember that moment you decided not to vaccinate yourself or your child?

Do you wish it was easier to find information to share to your questioning family and friends as to why you chose not to?

Well, this super informative and thoroughly researched book, ‘Vaccines Myths and Facts’ by Wendy Daniel is, I believe the easiest, well referenced book of information to read and share with your loved ones. I cannot recommend this book enough.

Thanks Wendy for your beautiful gift and endless hours of research to create this invaluable resource.

Wendy has also just published her new book 'Detox after Covid and Thrive', packed full of protocols and valuable information to help keep your health optimal.

Wise words from Wendy Daniel on Vaccines, Myths and Facts.

I put it together as a tool that anyone could hand over to friends, family members, doctors, politicians or journalists needing facts about this vast subject.

It has big print, lots of pictures and is as concise, light and easy to read as I can make it.

It has around 100 links and references, many to original research papers, which you can find

live on my website:

It also includes documents and rulings to use as protection against government overreach.

How to have a healthy baby.. Spotting vaccine damage.. How to start reversing vaccine damage.

Wendy Daniel talks about the 4th edition of ‘Vaccines, Myths and Facts’

From a group member, Food & Cosmetic quality app

Scan the labels of your food and cosmetic products

Food analysis

Yuka analyses food items, providing a detailed data sheet for each product to explain how it was evaluated.

Cosmetic analysis

Yuka analyses hygiene and cosmetic products. You get a detailed data sheet for each product to help you understand its score.


When you scan a product that scores poorly, Yuka offers independent recommendations for similar items that are better for your health.


Yuka displays the products you have already scanned. An easy-to-understand colour code lets you view the product’s impact on your health.

From Alexandra & Nicho @ Potoroo

Dear Friends,

Do you happen to know someone who would be willing and skilled enough to erect the netting (which we have already ready to go) over the top of our big Potoroo Pen? Please call 0434 388 894


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