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Freedom of Truth news 5/8/24

The Dam’s about to burst...

There has been recent incredible revelations& contradictions from a writer of the of the vaccine bible.. “Plotkin’s Vaccines” that mainstream medical hold as their truth.

One of the world’s leading vaccinologists and co-author Dr. Paul Offit admitted that studies comparing unvaccinated children to vaccinated children have not been done, claiming they are impossible to do. All the while, lead author of the aforementioned book, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the ‘godfather of vaccines’, made a recent statement in a published paper revealing the truth about safety trials on vaccines in the US, painting a picture of vaccine safety that falls far short of the safety claims health agencies make.

The truth is all coming out they are admitting there have never been proper studies done in advance of approval given for any vaccines, basically they have had open slather ability to produce whatever they like at will since the decision was made by President Reagan in 1986 to indemnify the vaccine produces of any liability if the vaccines harmed the public...

Go for broke just get them out there basically any concoction, Money to be made ...go go go and sure enough that has happened bigtime kids are now receiving about 70 vaccine doses by the time they are 5 yrs old as compared to about a dozen prior to then.

Autism has gone ballistic and has risen from approximately 1 in 100,000 back then to now at 1 in 30 “coincidentally” they say but the evidence is so strong now that it is irrefutable... that vaccines are the likely cause. The only thing stopping the dam from fully bursting is the amount of people who know the truth, so as always it is up to us the public to push even harder and get this info into every caring soul's hands.

Here is the link to the exposure of the lies perpetrated by the writers of the vaccine bible and an explanation of what it means by Del Bigtree from the Highwire, do watch it because it is powerful

And now take a look at this short Facebook video which is incredibly revealing as well about autism and vaccines

Ok.. and now read or listen to this fantastic summary from professor Ian Brighthope explaining the whole indoctrination process and what the doctors go through to be compliant soldiers and now to where we are today where approximately 18% of all Australians are now on NDIS with the government projecting by 2032 they’ll be injecting over $100 billion into it each year. Does that sound like a healthy future?? So basically they are anticipating/planning things are going to get worse and they’re heading us towards everyone being sick or gone.

NOW! What can we Do? WE can do a lot...

First thing we must all do - if you haven’t already - is join the Aligned Council Of Australia.

As we all know, the threat from the WHO is the biggest danger to our freedoms right now. It's urgent because our idiotic and sold-out politicians don’t care and are ready to sign us over to this monstrous organization, putting our lives and freedoms in the hands of unelected bureaucrats.

The Aligned Council of Australia (ACA) is fighting hard against this fate. They already have over 1.8 million supporters, but need more to make the politicians take note and listen to the people.

So everyone must join as individuals, don’t take this lightly. I have added our Freedom of Truth group to their list and we ask all to join ACA. It is very urgent and important.

Look at what’s been achieved elsewhere: The Dutch Parliament recently voted to request a postponement of the vote on the IHR and the new pandemic treaty at the World Health Assembly, and if this postponement is not obtained, to vote against the proposed amendments. The Louisiana Senate in the USA has passed a Bill declaring that Global Entities, including the WHO, will have no authority in their state.

From Barbara Mavridis Aligned Council of Australia

I am attaching a fact sheet outlining what will happen to us if we lose this fight. Please act immediately and spread the word to everyone you know. Our future depends on it. Love to all Barbara

Urgent and Scary Facts: Act Now or It's Too Late!

Deadline: March 2025

1. Australians Will Lose Control:

- Non-elected overseas bureaucrats will dictate our health responses, bypassing our democracy.

- They will direct Australia to follow their rules and work with private entities to enforce them. Maybe UN troops?

2. Loss of Bodily Autonomy:- WHO can declare pandemics without proof, forcing medical treatments and surveillance

on us.

- Mandatory medical exams, vaccinations, and quarantine will be enforced.

- WHO will control information, censoring scientific debate, the truth and targeting dissent.

3. Potential Emergencies:- WHO can declare public health emergencies, including climate issues, without real

evidence.- They will have the power to control our lives based on potential threats.

4. One Health and Climate Lockdowns:- WHO seeks to control our entire environment and society, with no boundaries. They will

control us humans, our animals and our environment.

- This includes media censorship, digital IDs, and restrictions on food, education, and transport.

- They aim to eliminate reliable energy sources and enforce 15-minute cities. 5. Massive Financial Costs:

- Australia will face enormous, unspecified costs to comply with WHO regulations.

- Being "pandemic ready" will cost us $5.29 billion a year, 5% of our health budget.

Act Now!** If we don't fight this, we will lose our freedoms and control over our lives and country.

Join now the Join Us - Aligned Council of Australia and lets fight this monster together.

Zac Kelly’s Exit the Who song is a cracker

And don’t forget the Directory section on our website

For access to health foods and local growers and producers and alternate holistic natural medical and healing modalities.

If you want to be a part of the directory please let us know...


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