Cafe Locked out great success!

Freedom of Truth News update 25/1/23
On Friday last we had the pleasure of having Michael, Wendy & Kret from Cafe Locked Out come and join us at Pambula beach for a BBQ gathering where Michael undertook recording interviews with many people…
Michael is a very gifted interviewer who draws the best out of those he is talking with….There was a great attendance of group members and a few who had not previously engaged with our group….
All of the interviews were exceptional, some of the stories were very enlightening as to what some people have had to endure to get to where they are today able to speak about their pain and suffering and showing the incredible strength they have developed in doing so…Others revealed the atrocious way they have been treated in their work place and by the medical authorities after being forced to be jabbed and suffering injuries as a result….
Other stories reflect the consequences of just refusing to get the toxic injections and the prices they’ve paid losing jobs, etc
Whilst Michael was busy interviewing people we had an open mic session and encouraged people to get up and give us their stories..this was a great success with a lot of speakers all with something unique and relevant to offer
One message that Leea Ferris made was that one real positive that has come out of all we’ve been through is that in doing so we have developed a network of great new friendships that otherwise would never have happened and this is so very true…I was Asked by Michael as to how it was our group was still going after all this time ….and I basically said we have a broad range of people in our midst all with strengths in varying areas and we’ve learn’t to accept everyone for their differences and focus on the positives…We all have a common goal too and that is faciltate a better way forward …”be the change you want to see”
Some of the interviews are here on this link[0]=AZXblNKbMFd434ATpp8ydNT7YXkOFQDxhmukryTnB6q2Sv4w9yWBiCH-JvlRLHj3drM3T3jG5p0k9miOgJU5knJWbx07stZxhDiXQQJRaKnvtC7w2gn8C0idX1eA3TTpMlsbCrYe6HvxHpcBBtm2Esh1zuP2KqJbnADEEDuSn0QAazhLe51veN3hLGMxlX3ea4Bjsq__xn5O31icvcOxClne&__tn__=-UK-R
Cafe Locked Out also had their “Forest of the Fallen”
Which was a real draw card with a sea of posters on cane poles spiked into the ground….the pictures are of victims of the jabs either vaccine injured or worse…but given the amount of bystanders who were drawn to have a look it is obviously very effective, we watched as the afternoon progressed many people walking over to see what these displays were about…so we are looking to get some Jody is pursuing it… And a special thanks to Jody for providing some awesome pastry’s for the lock out crew and others to eat in afternoon and again providing food for their dinner at Paul’s that night..

Smart deception in our neighbourhood
Kate Mason has been researching global agendas as they unfurl into your towns and cities…. have a look at this 13 minute presentation which covers the infiltration of the Global agenda into our local councils throughout Australia and consider what we can do about it…
Recently we met some people from Tumbarumba at one of our movie nights who had done some research into their councils commitment to the globalist agendas..they identified where agriculture and peoples livelihoods were going to be seriously compromised by following the principles being pushed and encouraged by the southern regional council group…supported by their council.
They subsequently engaged with their community and got enough support and then met to enlighten the councillors as to the negative impacts on their community should council keep committed to these strategic planning initiatives. The council took on board the communities concerns and withdrew support for a lot of the initiatives being pushed…
So it really shows how changes can be made from the grass roots level…It would be great if some people in our ranks have the time to do some research into what our specific councils are up to…we have formed a sub committee to delve into this area but would love for anyone keen to do research to get on board with us to try and achieve the same success they did in Tumbarumba….once the local councillors awaken to the agenda then we can really make some headway…
Tathra movie night
Last Wednesday night we held another successful movie night even thought the numbers were down on previous venues we had some interesting characters in attendance open to find out what is going on..
Potoroo this Sunday
Starting at 11 am this Sunday we having our first gathering of the season with special guest speaker Hala Franka who is a Shamanic practicioner and Medicine woman here is some quotes from her website…
“As a Shamanic Practitioner and Medicine Woman, I work through ceremony and ritual, mythology, hands-on-healing and divination to achieve healing outcomes. I work to enrich and more deeply engage you in your unique journey, your soul's journey, using shamanic practices.
Shamanism is my passion, my joy & my life. It brings me in deeper relationship to the things I love, nature & creativity, family & community. It is by far the oldest creative art.
Shamanism is all about the soul’s journey, connected to, or separated from. It is a total exploration, engagement and immersing of what it really means to be fully you, and human. A symbol we use here is The World Tree, at the centre, with your roots going deep into the Earth, nature, and branches stretching fgar up into the sky, the world of Spirit. When we grow these sacred connections our trunk will grow in this world.
No one can tell you how to be this tree, how to fully engage your sacred (powerful) life. You can be guided, though never told. There is no guru figure to look up to in shamanism. It is about going deeper into self, and your relationship with yourself and what surrounds you. Being in good healthy relationship with all things, connected to the lore of the universe. This is what I so respect and love about true shamanism.
In a culture where it is basically unknown that you are birthed with a soul journey, at best discussed, and rarely consciously engaged, shamanic practice has an ever more important role to play. It re-opens the well worn paths of an enriched life, the path of your heart, your soul's path, which, when walked, is completely supported by all things, as it is for the good of all things.”
Let's Fly Together
We also have Kym Bushmanlove addressing us on a couple of wonderful pieces of equipment she has been using which are all part of a different methodology of healing, Kym has a couple of Bio Resonance Frequenciy Devices an AO scanner and a Perl M+ Machine
And if we have time we are also handing the mic around for any other people to get up and speak…we want to hear from you..
See You Then…
