Christmas gig celebration

Freedom of Truth News release 12/12/22
Christmas Party
A wonderful night of food, dance and like minded comradeship was had by about 80 truthers at the Christmas Gig get together at the Candelo Town hall last Saturday night. ChangoTRee lived up to their reputation as fine muso's who really turned on the goods and had everyone up dancing ....The food despite an oven issue that slowed up some hot food was excellent and everyone really appreciated the massive effort put in by Elisia Hawkins her offsiders Janet and her daughter Angelica who worked tirelessly preparing, serving and then cleaning up at the end of the night ...Thanks so much to all three of you for your incredible effort
We made enough bucks to cover the night and some to go back into the kitty for other things including help cover the cost of our movie projector and boom box with 2 cordless microphones which we purchased last week for the up coming movie nights we are going to hold in our villages over the Christmas holiday period . The gear cost $1290 and we have received fantastic donations from Rowan Dixon $450..Paul Caruana $200, Lee Clarke $200 and myself $200 toward the cost.... leaving not very much to pick up...we look like having our first movie night session at the Bermagui Community Center on Thursday the 29th December and then a few days later in Tathra, Merimbula, Pambula, Eden and probably Bega
Submission to Council re proposed 90% rate rise
We have sent off a submission to council which is attached for your benefit rejecting the councils proposed massive rate hike...instead calling for them to tighten their own belts and to develop a new culture of prioritizing core needs of the shire rather than wasting money on Civic Centres and unnecessary airport upgrades and wasting money promoting tourism etc get with the game... do a proper job on the basics and then come back with your hand out if needed...also put the onus on the state and federal governments to stump up more money...don't expect those who haven't got to provide.
This is an important issue as it is a massive impost on those in particular who cannot afford please feel free to use the attached submission and change it to suit yourselves or just sign it with your own names and send it off to the email addresses i have also attached below.
Australian Covid Mandates Class Action
There is a class action happening headed up by Lawyer Spiros Kalotihos for anyone who has suffered financial losses due to the mandates take a watch and listen to this short Facebook video which explains what it is about is a great opportunity to potentially recoup your losses so take a listen and get on board fb/groups/acmca
Digital Currency Petition
The Government has released a petition regarding the digital currency. They have released it now over the busy Christmas period whilst peoples attentions are elsewhere and hoping they will be distracted and not worry about it ...a ploy they've been using for years...just to show how much they care for us and what ethical standards they don't have...they're following their hymn sheet perfectly....Anyway everyone needs to send them the message and share and encourage others as well
