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Freedom of Truth News...

Pambula Market

Last Sunday was another great positive day with a lot of support from many members of the community quite funny watching the Labour Kristy McBain camp opposite us with minimal interaction with the public and lots of interest for us…They even came over to find out about the Smart City’s initiative… and again we had a string of tragic Vaccine injured people engaging with us….definitely the best Pambula market we have had ..

This Sunday

We are looking for volunteers to come out to Mick & Laura’s place at Wolumla to do some weeding and restoring the garden back to the condition we received it…it is unfortunate that the outside garden bed area we chose to use has not been worked and maintained and is therefore overgrown and needs remediating so Mick can use it himself and replant it out with autumn plants….so the plan is to go out in the morning and remove the overgrown veg and weeds and then rotary hoe the bed and give it back the way we received it….Plan is to be there at 10;30 put in for a couple of hours and it should be right…see you then

Dr Phillip Altman visit

Dr Altman is an Australian pharmacologist who has had more than 40 years working on clinical trials and most of that in a working relationship with the TGA.

Dr Altman is coming to our region and is wanting to address as many truth seekers as possible in a one off gathering, he is planning on being here on Wednesday the 1st March and the venue for his talk is yet to be confirmed but is likely to be the Bermagui Community centre or in Narooma as it has been instigated by our allies up in Batemans Bay “Eurobodalla United Group” they are keen to bring us and them together for this event…. so really we are trying to ascertain numbers ….if it is held at the Bermi Community centre then people can go for dinner to the country club or elsewhere beforehand. Please return email me and give a Yes or a No if you if you think you can or can’t go. Here is a link to a couple of great interviews with Dr Altman with Hoody and John Larta

My Place Bega Valley

Has commenced and is part of a fast growing network of groups forming Australia wide, it is an initiative that has come out of Frankston in Victoria and is really taking off they have weekly zoom meetings and are about building a strong parallel community of people and networks who are able to build grow and support each-other…it is really what has been somewhat lacking in the freedom movement and groups that are all over the country…lots doing there own thing but lacking the resources of being connected to a larger network with a capacity to share and compare and support each other…get on and have a look and join up and encourage as many people as possible to get on board , below is map of the subgroups that ideally each area will develop…as you can see we are already on the same path and have people within our group who can slot straight into those areas with a lot of skill and knowledge and experience….So ideally have a look and pencil in in your own mind where you think you could be of most value …get onto the Myplace Australia facebook page and see what is going on… and then join our Bega Valley My Place group

The plan is to develop an alternate system to the one that is failing us starting with a secure private social media platform plus their own news network and perhaps TV platform…they want to re stimulate manufacturing, get an abattoir happening securing quality uncontaminated meat and food and establish fabric and clothing production…alternate everything…much like what we have been working towards…we are not looking to replace our group or suggest jumping ship but can see benefit in our group networking with others to be mutually beneficial.

Australia exits the is another network of people who are working together to put a stop to the draconian controls the WHO want to gain from their proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations that govern the 194 member countries health policies…Despite the International health regulations review committees review report being done and not supporting a lot of the changes being proposed, the report will be considered and assessed over the days of the 20th to 24th of this month by the WHO board before them accepting or rejecting the recommendations…it is very important the public realize this issue is still very much alive and has not been put to bed..

The WHO want absolute control over all countries health and the ability to take control of all governments during a perceived or anticipated pandemic with the ability to force vaccinate people or lock them up etc..

Our FOT committee are having a zoom meeting tonight with Barbara Mavridis from this network who is tied in with James Roguski from the US who is networking worldwide to stop this from happening..

Together with a bunch well versed and informed people they are spreading the word across the country, informing the masses including politicians who are generally asleep on the detail and implications of these proposals…

Barbara has expressed an interest in addressing our broader group via a video hook up perhaps at our next Potoroo gathering.

Unity in the Community is also a website formed as an Australia wide truthers networking platform which is fantastic and can bring groups and people together to help and support each other…click on and have a look and join up…. Barbara Mavridis will be talking to us about this tonight as well …it really seems to that networking and expanding our reach is the obvious and natural way to go..Happening organically…. Onward, upward and forward into the greater reset is where we’re going..

Honest to Goodness food etc

We are calling for expressions of interest for those who would like to start purchasing food and products from Honest to Goodness…As a lot of you know we had an active buyers group happening but due to unforeseen circumstances this stopped and we are now looking to reactivate the buyers group under the name of Freedom of Truth so please return email me and say whether you would like to be a pert of the buyers group…We have Janene Phillips who has offered to do the admin for the buyers group and also undertake the sorting and distribution of the orders…Janene will need help to undertake this but thanks greatly to Janene for offering up… so please return email if you are interested and whether you were a previous buyer and have an account with HTG…we are wanting to get an order under way ASAP

Bega Food Share is on this Saturday from 9;30 till 11am at Kisses lagoon carpark

Australia Exits The WHO (

It's time to exit the WHO


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