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Freedom of Truth News 12/11/24

Captain Warp speed is back in the hot seat..

Will he? won’t he? Is he going to stop the wokeness? the corruption? the deep state? stop the wars? the genocide in Palestine & stand up to Israel, hold to account big pharma, the FDA, CDC, NHMRC, the CIA, DOD, withdraw from the WHO, NATO & the UN...dismantle the Fed, stop CBDC, digital ID, and throw out any restrictions on Free speech....

Not a Big ask! But Massive!!

But we live in hope and certainly we are in a much more hopeful position than if the other side remained in power, and when you consider the landslide result, given all the one sided media and cheating used to propagate a win for the other side it shows how pissed the American people really are and how much they have awoken to the destruction of their country.

All power to the Trumpster and RFK Jnr for their great success and ambition to make America healthy again and drain the swamp...

So much will depend upon the people who will be advising and taking senior positions in the Trump administration.

RFK has been promised by Trump to head both the FDA & CDC, and has already made strong statements about cleaning house with them, which is awesome, but we will see how honourable Captain warp speed really is in honouring his promise.

To Trumps credit he has made some solid statements about getting rid of censorship and supporting freedom of speech at a time where censorship it is being rolled out globally.

Here is A rap from John Bush... worthy to consider

“It's been almost a week since the U.S. Presidential Election.And many freedom lovers that voted for Trump are still celebrating."We did it! We got our guy in!", the exclaim.I bet they're still riding on Cloud 9 right now. If you are one of those people, enjoy your victory lap.But don’t, under ANY circumstances, rest on your laurels.I’ll be very happy to give Trump credit for doing good things if and when he does over the next 4 years.But I sure ain’t sitting around waiting for anything to happen.

We Activators, Freedom Cell members, and exciters and builders are buckling down down to MAKE things happen.

I want to make sure you get this message because for many of you, much of the last election cycle was about avoiding the things you don’t want to see happen rather than going after the things you do want.

Case in point:

The Trump campaign and the Kamala campaign ran on STOPPING the other one from getting in and “destroying our democracy/country.”

I’ve followed Trump for many years and have read The Art of The Deal, watched half a dozen documentaries on the guy, and have studied entrepreneurs and marketing gurus who have also studied him.

What you quickly find out about Trump is that he doesn’t have principles. He’s not an intellectual. Ideas don’t matter much to him.

He just likes winning and says as much.

I think that’s one of the reasons why he made so many bad appointments in his last administration. He picked “smart guys” who screwed him over because he “trusted the experts” like Anthony Fauci and Mike Pompeo.

And so far this time around its more of the same.

Trump has picked Susie Wiles as his Chief of Staff. She's a lobbyist for Pfizer, Bill Gates' Gavi Vaccine Alliance, and the United Nations, whose firm Mercury LLC has a parent company that is a World Economic Forum partner.

He selected Brian Hook, a staunch supporter of Israel with major ties to defense contractors, to head his Department of State Transition Team.

And just today it was announced that his pick for Ambassador to the U.N. is Rep. Elise Stefanik, a hardcore warmonger that believes the U.S. Government should supply Israel with "what it needs, when it needs it, without conditions".

So much for "draining the swamp".The truth is, Trump used to be a New York Democrat. He’s flip-flopped on many issues.

Both the Trump and Harris campaigns were rooted in a reactionary paradigm.“We have to stop that,” “We’re against this,” “she’s that,” “he’s this,” and on and on.

The danger here is that being in a reactionary state makes it easier to play off of your emotions.It's easy to leverage your fear, distrust, and anger to support a movement without realizing you’re helping to push forward an agenda you wouldn’t normally support.

“The Predator Class” - the oligarchs, globalists, banksters, and technocrats - have their fingerprints all over the Trump presidency.

Peter Thiel, a Steering Committee member of the Bilderberg Group, funded Trump’s campaign in 2016 and has bankrolled the career and political rise of J.D. Vance.

Trump has wittingly or unwittingly played right into their hands.

For example, biometric surveillance at border crossings, which I identify as a key technology for ushering in the Technocratic New World Order, were advanced by Trump in his last administration to curb illegal immigration, and it will be pushed even further in his upcoming administration.

Whenever you fly internationally and see biometric face-scanning kiosks, you can thank Trump for that.

But on an even bigger scale, the Predator Class has already totally co-opted the government. One of the key shapers of Foreign Policy already told us how they did it.

“In short, the ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great ‘booming, buzzing confusion,’ to use William James’ famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”

― Richard N. Gardner, The Hard Road to World Order, Foreign Affairs, Volume 52 No. 3, pg. 558.

True independent researchers such as Whitney Webb, Derrick Broze, James Corbett, and others have done amazing work uncovering all the ways that secret cabals have taken over national governments and other institutions.

They know how to circumvent the presidency and the entire federal government through mega-corporations, Big Tech, Smart Cities, Banks, Credit Card companies, and more.

So, regardless of how another Trump presidency will impact our freedom and prosperity, we have to remain super vigilant for the future.There’s one issue in particular that I think has flown under the radar over the last year but it’s the most important issue of them all...

The growth of CBDCs.... Trump has claimed he’s against CBDCs.That’s good, but... It doesn’t matter!The forces behind the CBDC agenda have figured out a new and clever way to create a CBDC sneak attack!

They’re smuggling CBDCs in through a backdoor and most people have no idea what’s happening.But this agenda is going to take off in 2025 under Trump’s presidency.If Trump isn’t in on it, he’ll probably see this plot as just “good business” rather than what it is: a secret plot to push CBDCs onto the public by circumventing Congress and the Presidency altogether.

Watch this space!

Hearings prove Albanese is lying—MAD bill will censor political opinions. Throw it out!

Call the Senate Independents to tell them to stop this attack on free speech—see details below.

Within days of winning his election, Donald Trump fired a shot across the bow of Anthony Albanese’s MAD (Mis- And Disinformation) social media censorship bill.

Trump declared his administration would stop the agenda to censor free speech on social media, and fire anyone in the US government who has been involved in directing censorship on social media.

Given that most of the big social media platforms are owned in the United States, Trump’s emphatic announcement leaves Anthony Albanese and Communications Minister Michelle Rowland out on a limb.

They have been colluding with apparatchiks in the Biden administration such as Nina Jankowicz, the former Chair of the former Disinformation Governance Board, a.k.a. Ministry of Truth, which was disbanded in 2023 after only four months as it was deemed unconstitutional.

Jankowicz has been pushing Australia to implement a censorship regime here that is illegal in her own country.

Albanese and Rowland have also been colluding with the British government, which has a Counter Disinformation Unit influenced by intelligence agencies that actively censors social media.

After the exposure draft of this bill was inundated with an all-time record number of submissions last year—24,000—Albanese and Rowand pulled it for more consideration, but before bringing it back this year Rowland signed a memorandum of understanding with the British government, flagging the government’s intention to follow the British path.

Their agenda to censor social media now puts them on a collision course with the Trump administration.

Hearings expose truth

The government’s denial that the bill is a censorship bill has been obliterated by the hearings of the Senate inquiry currently underway.

As Nationals Senator Ross Cadell asked the Communications Department, which insists it consulted widely with stakeholders on the bill:

“Then how is it at this point of the day, not one witness who isn’t a government agency ... says this bill should pass as it is?”

The explosive testimony came from two legal and constitutional experts, Emeritus Professor Ann Twomey and Victorian Bar Association representative James McComish.

Both witnesses exposed a crucial point: even where the wording of the bill sounds innocuous, the real intent is laid out in the Explanatory Memorandum (EM).

The EM of a bill explains what the government intends the language of the bill to mean; it also guides future interpretations of the law if it passes.

The wording of the EM about this bill is chilling.

Under the all-important “Clause 13—Meanings of misinformation and disinformation”, the EM quotes the bill’s definition of “misinformation and disinformation”, which defines misinformation in part to be “information that is reasonably verifiable as false, misleading or deceptive”.

But then the EM adds this explanation:

“‘Information’ is intended to include opinions, claims, commentary and invective.” (Emphasis added.)

The EM gives as an example a recent German election where opinions that the drafters of the EM labelled “misinformation” motivated voters to support a “far right” party, which the Albanese government claims is an example of misinformation “undermining an electoral process”, which this bill would censor.

As Professor Twomey explained, this means that the bill is intended to go far beyond just censoring presented facts that can clearly be proven to be false, such as scam Facebook ads claiming billionaire Twiggy Forrest supports such-and-such investment.

The law is intended to censor political opinions! Albanese and Rowland are liars.

Twomey pointed out something that should be the bleeding obvious: that political opinions are just that, opinions, and just because some university department staffed by young people calling itself a “Fact Check” unit puts out a statement that the opinion is false, doesn’t mean they are right.

Stealing ideas for what to censor!

James McComish dropped a bombshell on the hearing when he exposed how the government came to include the words “opinions, claims, commentary and invective” in the EM.

Those words originated in the Victorian Bar Association’s submission to the exposure draft last year, which pointed out that in attempting to regulate mis- and dis-information, i.e. facts, the bill cannot regulate “opinions, claims, commentary and invective”.

The Victorian Bar Association chose these words very carefully to capture all possible forms of opinion.

But the government has taken that formulation of words and inserted them in the EM to effectively say “yes, we will regulate opinions”.

McComish said this “most peculiar insertion” in the EM is “one of the most disturbing aspects of this bill”.

Call the Independents

This bill must be thrown out, and depending on the Greens it may come down to the seven independents in the Senate—the government needs three of the Independents and the Greens to vote “yes” for the bill to pass.

The good news is that aside from disgraced ex-Liberal Senator David Van, the rest of the Independents are either very sceptical or not yet persuaded.

The government passed the bill through the House of Representatives last week, where it controls the numbers, with only the support of most Teals except Allegra Spender—the genuine Independents all voted “no”.

Curiously, the Greens abstained, indicating they haven’t decided yet.

The good news is every participant in the House of Reps debate highlighted the huge flood of calls and emails they are receiving against this bill.

To stop the government trying to ram it through in the last sitting of the year at the end of this month, all concerned Australians should call and email the Senate Independents and Greens to insist they must protect free speech—especially the Independents.

Click here for the list of Greens Senators:

Click here for the list of Independent Senators:

Potoroo gig not on this weekend

Corruption whistle blowers Peter & Donna are still waiting for their latest edition of the newspaper to be printed, so we are postponing the gathering until, it looks like either Sunday the 24th or more likely, Saturday the 30th of November, watch this space we’ll let you know as soon as we know.

Narooma Golf club gathering is on this Sunday 17th from 11 am for Lunch and meeting 1pm start, an opportunity for anyone to have a rap about relevant on topic

issues, always nice to connect with likeminded, so feel free and come along

Update... Vaccine DNA contamination issue with mRNA

Covid injections and councils responses or lack thereof..

Still silence from our councils and councillors regarding the vaccine contamination issue revealed by the Port Hedland Shire council a month ago...

The contamination hasn’t gone away and people are still being coerced by doctors and health authorities to keep getting boosters..

The suffering continues and the TGA have still got their head in the sand refusing to undertake the latest and most thorough testing techniques and..

Councillors as local government are in closest contact directly with their constituents... they absolutely have a duty of care to alert the pubic and those who are actually administering these dangerous until proven otherwise shots.

They can’t hide behind an regulatory authority that is proven to be wanting and not acting in the public best interests.

For the councillors this hiding behind this incompetence is actually Tacit consent, which leaves the door wide open for them as informed individuals to be held liable and unless they

respond accordingly this is the only possible outcome.. because lawsuits and class actions are brewing and are under way all over the world...the pandoras box is opening.

ACMA have just forwarded to all councils an up dated letter highlighting all that is and all that will be...

AMPS Action on Vaccine DNA Contamination - Local Council Responsibilities

Dear AMPS Members and Supporters,

We want to update you on AMPS' recent action regarding synthetic DNA contamination found in Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.

Today, AMPS has written to local councils across Australia highlighting their legal responsibilities under Local Government Acts to protect resident health and safety. Following the Town of Port Hedland's landmark motion on October 11, we're urging all councils to independently examine the evidence and take precautionary action.

Our letter addresses:

  • The TGA's inadequate response to contamination evidence

  • Councils' duty of care obligations

  • The need for immediate investigation and potential suspension of these products

    You can read the letter HERE. You can support this initiative by:

1. Contacting your local councillors about this issue. All supporting information for councillors to take action can be found @

2. Sharing information about the class action (

3. Spreading awareness of these developments in your community

We remain committed to transparency and accountability in public health and ethical evidence based medicine for all Australians.

Thank you for your continued support.

Bruce (Elisha) George our master wordsmith...

Has yet again as a PHD Geneticist put some of his vast wisdom down regarding the mRNA technology and why it is such a problem

Why an m-RNA vaccine could never work and should never has been tried!

Forgive me for covering a few basics here, but once we understand what m-RNA is then it becomes clear why it is so dangerous.

So m-RNA is messenger Ribonucleic Acid, It is the template the body uses to make a copy of the cell’s DNA at cell division. The process is called reverse transcription and is facilitated by the enzyme reverse transcriptase. It happens wherever a new cell is made. So the possibility that foreign m-RNA will be transcribed into permanent DNA is real.

What is not known is the exact mechanism for how reverse transcription is controlled by the body.

Since geneticists sequenced the human genome or DNA they have fallen into the mistake of thinking they know everything there is to know about the genetics of the human body, but the mechanisms of control are still largely a mystery, and it is this control issue which is at the heart of the problem. Not knowing how reverse transcription is controlled makes pumping foreign m-RNA into a body like a game of Russian roulette.

But there is another problem which is how the body reacts to the continuous production of an antigen that it cannot eliminate. A normal vaccine gives the body a dead or attenuated pathogen to which the body develops an antibody which then eliminates the pathogen from the body and lays down a blueprint of that antibody for future use, should the body be infected by the live pathogen. It then goes back to rest, or doing whatever it was doing before the vaccine was given.

But with the m RNA “vaccine” the body goes on making the pathogen, or in this case, the spike protein, and the Immune system gets worn out in the process and eventually will start attacking it’s own cells that are making the pathogen.

Oh yes T cell counts will be high and thus it might be concluded that the vaccine is working, but if it did actually work no boosters would be needed. The boosters simply keep the T cell count high giving the appearance of immunity rather than actual immunity.

Animal trials would have shown a high death rate and given sufficient reason to halt the rollout of this new technology which the precautionary principle would tell us needed to be more thoroughly tested than a normal vaccine, not less so as was done.

Just why the human death rate has not halted the rollout is simply astonishing in it’s stupidity and complete lack of regard for the dignity of human life. The clue might be in Dr Fauci’s assurance to President Trump of the USA that “there will be a surprise pandemic in Trump’s term of office.”

Another clue being the description of the virus as a “novel” corona virus. That is a novel flu virus, or a flu virus created by humans. These two clues tell us that there was a plan to release a genetically engineered flu virus during Trump’s first term in office.

And stage two of that plan was to release a fake vaccine that would achieve Bill Gate’s Eugenics goal of population reduction, as he once stated, “If we do a good job with vaccines we will reduce the population by 10%.”

There is a theory that there are no viruses at all and what is seen as a viral infection is a natural cleansing process the body goes through on a seasonal basis. With this theory viral infections are the result of toxins such as DDT being the cause of Polio. In this vein it should be noted that Mr Enders who claimed to have discovered the Polio Virus never purified the serum samples he took from Polio sufferers using a gradient medium in a centrifuge, but instead mixed the serum with a concoction of bacteria, milk and cell lines plus some antibiotic and allowed it to incubate for a few days and then surprise, surprise, he “discovered” the virus that caused Polio.

What is more likely is that the antibiotic killed the live cells and so free genetic material was floating around and this genetic material is what under an electron microscope was taken to be a virus. Ever since then labs have used the similar techniques to get the same or a similar result.

Something similar may be happening in humans who take antibiotics. The antibiotic kills the bacteria, including the good bacteria in the gut, and thus the body is an incubator for free floating genetic material, some of which may well enter a live human cell and manage to replicate itself, while the immune system is flat out trying to mop up all the dead bacterial material creating a cytokine storm which only makes matters worse and prolongs recovery time from what could have been a simple process of supporting the immune system to deal with the original problem without taking the antibiotics in the first place.

Just as Mr Enders did not purify his serum sample and then inject it into animals to show whether in fact the supposed Polio Virus was in fact the cause of Polio, no one has purified the Covid virus from an infected individual and used it to infect an animal of informed volunteer. So much about the authenticity or otherwise of the Covid so called pandemic could have been resolved by this simple experimental science.

Instead Government Health authorities relied on changed definitions and a dubious test to ramp up figures most of which were false. Everyone with a healthy immune system will have genetic material in their mucosal but have no symptoms of infection. That is what a healthy immune system does - removes unwanted cellular material. But if you

have a test that is wound up to 40 cycles of replication almost everyone will have a positive result.

The test result becomes the modern equivalent to Aboriginal Bone Pointing. You are told you have an infection whether or not you have any symptoms, oh yes we will call that asymtomatic infection to make it sound authentic, we will ostrasize you and isolate you and blame you for the problem.

In other words we will make you a modern day leper and that process alone will cause some of you to die. Poor treatment and lack of adequate nutrition will cause many others to die. But even so, in Australia deaths were so few that mass vaccination with a poorly tested new technology vaccine that is neither safe nor effective, was simply not justified..



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