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Freedom of Truth News 20/11/24

Among all the turmoil and wild ride of recent times a few positives have emerged...

It is looking very promising for the defeat of the MAD mis/disinformation bill. With just enough Senators declaring they will not support the bill. In fact, it is basically down to one if anyone changes their mind it could still get through and rest assured the grubberment will being trying their darndest to woo these critical Senators over to support the bill (big promises, money, money, money and lies, as they say a day is a longtime in politics.

It has been an incredible effort from many thousands of people throughout the entire country sending submissions signing petitions ringing the Senators...I am not sure how many but I believe over 200k maybe double that.. submissions against these bullshit laws...

We all know everything the government says is misinformation, the claim this is for the protection of people, being protected from false narratives, particularly children, really? We know this is a is only about censorship and control of free speech and protecting the governments deceptions...

Bruce “wordsmith” George has been at it again putting pen to paper in a last ditch attempt to enshrine a victory on our behalf with another masterful piece ready to send off to the last possible defectees, being Greens senators’ contact information can be found here.

Independent senators contact information:

Lidia Thorpe - (Twitter/X) although today she announced she wouldn’t support the bill

David Van - (Twitter/X) also today said he would not support the bill. Sarah Hanson-Young (Greens) - (Twitter/X)

Adam Bandt (Greens) (Twitter/X)

Bruce's masterpiece is here to copy and paste:

Free Speech in the Balance.

In the USA the recent Presidential election result is being celebrated as a victory for free speech.

Perhaps it is.

Certainly the take over of Twitter, now X by Elon Musk who strongly supported the Trump campaign, has wound back to a significant degree the rampant censorship that was practised before the takeover.

Meanwhile here in Australia the Labour (in name only) PM Anthony Albanese is doing all he can to ramp up on-line censorship while excluding himself and the Government plus mainstream media, all major pervaders of Dis information in the Covid era, from accountability and threatening social media platforms with draconian fines if they fail to implement censorship of all non mainstream views.

So why is this important?

Well, apart from the fact that it would cancel the foundational Democratic freedom of freedom of speech, it will actually stifle progress of any kind.

Why is this so?

Well, progress does not come forth when people merely sit around and see what they can all agree on, which is not to say that consensus is not a good principle where cooperation is valued, but to make the point that progress comes from debate.

Not too many agreed with Galileo when he put forward his theory about the solar system being Sun centric rather than Earth centric, but through debate and observations his view eventually was accepted. This pattern has been repeated over and over again with new ideas being repeatedly rejected until they were shown to be true.

In the current era we see crazy theories being accepted when debate has been stifled. Two that spring to mind are the official reports of the JFK assassination and the cause of the 911 building collapses. Both of which have ignored valuable evidence to draw conclusions that the Government wanted, rather than the conclusion that the evidence naturally led to.

To enshrine protection from accountability for the Government in legislation is bound to lead to the very thing that the Government thinks it can protect itself from - misinformation.

Even if the Albanese Government does get some form of it’s MAD Bill through the Senate, Musk will not take being forced to censor free speech lying down and will fight with all his might to retain X as a platform for free speech.

He did not pay $68 billion for a platform he wanted to recreate as the go to platform for free speech, to be bullied into reinstating censorship on that platform by some insignificant politician from down under.

Bruce Elisha

Port Headland Shire Councils notice of motion

Momentum is building throughout Australia with other councils working towards supporting or similarly moving motions like PHC did a month ago.. Yesterday the Tamar council in Tasmania achieved a positive result acknowledging the reports on DNA contamination in the vaccines and also the studies verifying it and the TGA’s inadequate testing protocols and claims of it being disinformation.. Ra Ra Ra more lies... They have acknowledged the independent studies done by various specialists in the field and also MP Russell Broadbent’s 2 critical letters to the Prime Lollypop licker.

MP Russell Broadbent yesterday made a great speech in parliament in this regard...short and succinct... citizens

And here is a great short overview of Dr Julie Sladden’s now successful motion for the Tamar council, it gives a great perspective of why..

Other Councils are prepping to move similar motions. We here in the Bega Valley are also working toward the same, with two councillors I have been in touch with willing to discuss the option. Both David Porter who certainly seems quite aligned and reads our news updates and Deputy Mayor Mitchell Nadin are both willing to consider it..

This is excellent news as it will potentially give us a mover and a seconder to enable the motion to be debated and voted on. The next thing to do is to gently engage with the other councillors, to firstly confirm they received the documentation sent to them and then to enlighten them in the nicest, simplest way of what it all means and the already devastating and potential impacts on those who have had the jabs.

This will be the clincher if we can appeal to their duty of care for their constituents and basically their sense of ethics and moral care for humanity.

I think the majority of them will see sense and feel grief and despair and want to get to the bottom of this once they get the picture.. certainly hopefully enough to get it on the agenda to be discussed.

In Eurobodalla we have similar plans in train to meet individually with councillors to put them into the loop and calling for their support to move a motion acknowledging this information and advocate for proper independent analysis be done to determine how bad the DNA contamination is and call for a halt to the jabs until they can be determined harmless.

Fluoridation issue

Attached are two letters back to both the BVSC & ESC responding to their maintaining the status quo responses to our calls for them to immediately cease fluoridating until proper analysis has been done on the findings of the recent Federal court decision in the US.

Both claim to be following the guidelines and fluoridation Act which is a government requirement. This does nothing to address the now acknowledged harms that can potentially occur in doing what they are doing.. So we are asking they ask the Secretary of NSW Health for permission to cease fluoridating until proper analysis is undertaken and verification is given in writing from the Secretary or any singular doctor, scientist or dentist willing to sign off on the claim fluoride at the current levels cannot not harm anyone.. Otherwise we consider them potentially knowingly harming people.

The Corruption Whistleblower

The latest Newspaper is going to print in about a week’s time plus a special edition focusing on Port Arthur massacre revealing a lot of unanswered questions, As you know Peter and Donna were hoping to attend a gathering to address us about there journey and efforts in bringing accountability and transparency to our politics and governance. This is going to happen but will not happen until early in the new year as they are behind schedule getting the papers printed and we are getting close to Christmas.

Potoroo end of year gathering

So given we’ve been waiting in anticipation of the Whistleblowers to come to our patch and now that’s being delayed we will hold a BBQ just a gathering of group members to celebrate our knowing each other, date and local to be determined..

Narooma meeting last Sunday

The meeting last Sunday was successful even though the numbers were down with 17 in attendance there was still plenty of informative discussion.

Rob Slazenger revealed a debacle in the handling of the shutting down of the 3G networks where it appears some collusion between the government and certain telco companies disabling certain branded phones that despite working on 3G, 4G and even 5G have been disabled because they are not part of the “clique” Telstra or Gov’s favoured brands, Rob has been looking into this and scratched the surface of what maybe inappropriate deliberate discrimination against certain unfavoured by the big players brands.

Apparently up to 1.3 million customers may have been affected, Rob has been interviewed on WIN TV about it and WIN TV are coming down to do some research into a few issues including that in the next couple of weeks, so if you are someone who has lost coverage or signal on your phone as a result of the 3G shut down and you bought your phone with the knowledge it would operate on 4G or even 5G and is no longer working, please let us know because this should not have happened.

Judy Wilyman highlighted the now new independent radio news channel The Pulse which is a reincarnation of TNT radio which is no more so to keep an ear on what’s going on tune into The Pulse for all alternate news and views.

Only time will tell to see if the Magadon is the false prophet or not.


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