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Freedom of Truth news 27/3/24

Potoroo gig last Sunday was a great success despite to unfortunate late withdrawal of Dr Judy Wilyman who had some unexpected hiccups that prevented her from coming, although Judy is committed to coming and addressing the group in May which will be great.

So it was left up to Wendy Daniel who certainly covered the void well with a great address about her latest 4th edition of her book which is full of facts and statistics that reveal all sorts of disturbing side effects and outcomes as a result of the coerced childhood vaccine schedule. Wendy engaged well with lots of questions and open discussion among those in attendance. It was great to have the engagement from many thoughtful well-informed members of the group. Wendy’s book is exception for the fact it is very simple to read and understand and is a great pathway to heading down the rabbit hole of what is part of the megladonic pharmaceutical industry’s toxic cash cow.

Professor Ian Brighthope has her book on his desk and he is a strong advocate for it. This book is idealic for getting into the hands of young couples aspiring to have children, it can enlighten them significantly and potential preserve the health of their offspring... The book is only $20 to buy and available through her website Email:

Or from in house publishing at Wendy has also nearly finished another book focusing on the Covid 19 vaccine rollout and the impacts currently known about and emphasising ways and means of addressing some of these negative side effects, this book has also had input from Lee Clarke and other Naturopath’s .

Symony & Geraldine came and set up a trading display for LETS Grow Free, they explained how easy it is to use the trading system, they signed people up and gave people credit to begin with which enables people to get trading with some nice produce on offer.

Here is a couple of photos of the successful Twighlight trading market held last night at the Kianga Homestead.

Being Heart Centred Beings

Next month on Sunday 28th April we will be hosting Nina Digiglio & her partner Craig who are health & Healing specialists they have offered up an afternoon session from 2 -5pm at a venue either the Pambula CWA rooms or the Wolumla hall, venue to be confirmed.

They specialise in RIFE machine frequency healing plus a myriad of other healing modalities with a big focus on teaching people to love from within and grow spiritually, this is going to cost a measly $10 per person or more if you so wish, to be a part of this 3hr session and then for those who would like to we will be going to dinner either at the Indian restaurant in Pambula or the Hotel in Wolumla. Nina has been at the forefront of the freedom movement on the south coast Shoalhaven region for a long time. Nina say’s Being Heart Centred Beings Workshops are about learning more about taking control of your wellness.

In fact, imagine a life without any pills, tablets, drugs or medications.

Wouldn’t that be truly beneficial moving forward.

We will explain terrain theory fully. Learn how running the ‘white coat syndrome’ may be keeping you stuck. Get some powerful mindset tools to free you up.

We are excited to be sharing our tools to help you restore your health and well-being to where it should be.

Including Rife modalities and other solution focused ideas.

Perhaps you’re meant to join us on Sunday 28th April from 2pm till 5pm.

Cass Smith Zoom meeting of last Tuesday went well with 30 attendees.

Cass’s main focus was on warning people that if they had superannuation held in corporate business share investment porfolios then if and when a financial collapse occurs they will likely lose those funds or a lot of it, her suggestion was to as a starting point switch your super savings from investment portfolios into cash holdings, but better still to take control of your super by putting it into a self-managed superfund which you control and can pick and choose where and how you invest your super...costs more to run a SMSF but gives you more control, not guaranteed to be safe but a whole lot better, I think those who participated in the zoom got a fair bit out of it... Stina from Sunvillages in Queanbeyan & Kianga Homestead in Narooma has forwarded her interpretation of the benefits of investing locally with a focus on The Kianga Homestead Hamlet Project keeping your money & SMSFs, LOCAL safe, and working for you.

The importance of local from Stina

Hamlet and business investment opportunity

Anyone who has listened to Cass Smith is aware that superannuation and savings are at risk. Silver and gold may hold value, but they neither produce an income or serve the local community. Ultimately, real security is not the amount of money, silver, or gold you have, but the number of people you are connected to in your local area.

* Michael Shuman – economist, attorney, author, and entrepreneur, and leading visionary on community economics talks about the sense in investing superannuation in local business. We advocate the importance of not only investing in local business, but businesses that are also secured by interest producing property. Property is the king of assets, as everyone and everything requires it.

As most of us are aware, big chain stores drain money out of regional areas into corporate coffers which are based both off-shore and in big cities. Local businesses do the opposite and help to circulate money locally. Locally owned tourism goes even further by acting as a money catchment from the greater world, and funnelling it into the local region.

Kianga Homestead hamlet in North Narooma is one such local business. Our aim is to preserve this magnificent 6.5-acre site and business by using the **Sun Villages model of fractional ownership and the 99-year lease system for hamlet folks wishing to live/work on-site.

Resident participation will hopefully lead to the establishment of interdependent businesses, similar to the once thriving Foxglove Spires in Tilba Tilba but with the security of local ownership (it can’t be sold). The base level accommodation already present yields a better return than residential real estate investment. This, along with the land and its location, opens up many business opportunities, such as a backpacker’s accommodation, courses; catering for courses/workshops held in the homestead (and eventually the proposed hall); hosting breakfasts, café and afternoon teas; dinners; healing centre; a plant nursery; food growing and preserving; arts, crafts, markets, and music performances.

This property is one of the South Coast’s focus points for the parallel society that’s forming around Australia using The New Economy (TNE, formally TPR - The People’s Reserve), and presently host the local parallel society’s Twilight Traders and other random events for those who use LETS and TNE.

A hamlet-style project and business investment opportunity using the Sun Villages model of fractional ownership by locals, and the 99-year lease system for hamlet folks wishing to live/work on-site.

Introduction presentation: 6pm Friday April 12th 2024

Kianga Homestead (Ecotel) 44 Princes Highway North Narooma

2 day workshops with James Green shield

Dates have been set for the 2 day Community Building workshop being presented by James Greenshields from Innovative Traders

Merimbula/Pambula 5 & 6 May (venue yet to be secured) Narooma/Moruya 3 & 4 May (venue yet to be secured) Day 1 Personal leadership

Day 2 Community building

Freshly minted website link below-gives a snapshot of Innovative Traders and their vison.

James Greenshields has a career of personal leadership-link to his organisation Emergent Leaders below:

The workshops are Free to the community and no strings attached.

People just need to book by messaging Symony on 0416398952 or return emailing me Fraser We are trusting people are curious and will join in to make a magic minimum number of 20 participants , So far not a great deal of interest has been forth coming, I know it is a way away but James is doing it for free and at his own expense to come here, so we either make it worth his will or don’t do it at all, so please let us know this week!

There has been very little interest in workshopping individual topics with Greg Mckay after his address a couple of months ago, so I think we will just have to leave that for the time being..

Formal notice to Council re 5G and Covid 19 Vaccine safety from some of our northern allies:


This email has been sent collectively as a Formal Notice, given to all the current sitting Coffs Harbour City Mayor, Councillors, and the Coffs Harbour General, plus other councils as well here it is amended for the BVSC... Go to your local council website and get the email addresses of your councillors and cut & paste this letter sign it and attach or add the backup info data & links and letter etc that must go with it and then send it to them...

Put them on Notice

To the Mayor, Councillors & General Manager Bega Valley Shire Council

Zingel Pl Bega 2550

Dear Mayor & Councillors,

As a local representative of the people of the Bega Valley Shire Residential Area, I hear by put you all on Formal Notice.

This email is to make you aware of the deadly harm emitted by 5G and also the Covid-19 vaccine that is still being undertaken.

If you so choose to continue allowing 5G and other RF transmission emissions in the local government area and continue to promote and condone the continuation of the Covid-19 vaccine rollout (to your staff) without researching the harm to your local constituents, you individually will be seen as personally liable now that this formal notice has been issued.

• 5G has been already accepted by the US courts, as being a harm to human health.

• The Covid-19 vaccines have already seen an extreme number of EXCESS DEATHS, that far

exceed the total injuries, of all the other vaccine injuries put together.

I have inserted a link with the attachment which I suggest you watch and I also suggest that you each seek your own legal advice. The residents of the Bega Valley, Eurobodalla and Shoalhavern electorates will be joining forces with many other local government areas in NSW implementing a CLASS ACTION against each council, if any of the people in Council, Mayor or Councillors, continue to allow the harm of local resident’s health any further.

You are Formally Notified and asked on this day Wednesday, 27-3-24, to take immediate and necessary action as it is your duty to ensure that all the residents in this Shire are safe and protected from any form of harm to their health, including the 5G towers and any other cellular or cameras, being used which may cause harmful emissions.

The residents who are participating in this Class Action, are requesting that you take IMMEDIATE action and completely REMOVE all 5G apparatus from Shire immediately, due to the known public health implications of 5G.

I have added various video clips, regarding other councils who are already removing 5G apparatus and towers, due to known health concerns for their citizens and the implications that 5G will have on them as representatives, should they not act.

I also give the current sitting Mayor, Councillor's and the Shires General Manager, the same warning regarding any future mandates and/or lockdowns.

It is suggested you all seek legal advice and research into to the harm being caused to the public of which you are holding office to protect. This must be done with due diligence before you even consider allowing or supporting the continuation of any of these proven to be hazardous technologies and unproven not properly approved experimental health measures (injections) on the community, into the future because you as an individual councillors will be held to account.

Yours Kindly ..............................................

Lawyer Robert Kennedy - has litigated against and won, many cases regarding Vaccine and Pharmaceutical Drugs and policies.

Reference material (in addition), For Vaccines & Mandates: Florida to BAN the Covid-19 Vaccine karen-kingston-dr.-jos.html

Doctor David Cartland Holding: A first class honors Biomedical science degree (BMedSci) in addition to my medical qualifications (MBChB/MRCGP 2014)

For urgent attention re crime ref 01/62447/24 Dear PC xxxxxxx My name is Dr Dave Cartland and I am a GP and doctor of 16 years’ experience holding a first class honours Biomedical science degree (BMedSci) in addition to my medical qualifications (MBChB/MRCGP 2014). Over the last 3-4 years I have witnessed, first-hand, the unprecedented morbidity and mortality playing out across all ages in the population, from 2021 onwards and ever increasing. In the overwhelming majority of cases, patients have received multiple COVID ‘vaccines’, often recently prior to a deterioration in health. Areas of which I have become increasingly concerned include the significant number of formerly healthy multiple vaccinated patients, living healthy lifestyles, under age 50 presenting with:


•Multi-systemic inflammatory diseases

•Autoimmunity •Neonatal and postnatal issues •Gynaecological issues •Neurological/Cognitive issues

•Cardiovascular/Thromboembolic issues •Rapidly developing and relapsing cancers in young cohorts

• Reactivation of latent infections e.g. Herpes Zoster/simplex • fertility issues

What is most concerning is the concentration of the above presenting among young adults, children/young people and pregnant women. Such has been my concern, that I have run numerous polls on my social media platform X to ascertain general public perceptions of COVID ‘vaccine’ injury and their direct often heartbreaking experiences. My private health advice service has rapidly morphed into a COVID ‘vaccine’ injuries clinic and I have recently begun filming and posting interviews with the vaccine injured on YouTube and Rumble. I have also given many interviews and podcasts detailing my concerns around the COVID ‘vaccines’ and the harms that are playing out, post-administration.

I have also undertaken a multiple reviews of published literature with concerning case reports/series and am seeing my concerns confirmed in this research. The Yellow Card, V- Safe and US VAERS data, are showing unprecedented serious adverse events and both have far surpassed the safety trigger points for halting of the COVID ‘vaccine’.

With each ‘vaccine’ administered, more people suffer potential harm with negligible benefit particularly in the last 18 months if at all. So far, we only have short-term data and yet the rates of morbidity and mortality are unprecedented outside of war times. This is borne out by the ONS Excess Deaths data. There is a sinister silence about any form of implication given for such events having anything to do with a mass roll out of a novel mRNA based platform of injectables onto the world coincident with the uptick in the above observable trends.

I will produce a more detailed statement, but very much look forward to the opportunity to speak with you in considerable detail about these and other concerns. I will publish this letter on my X account, where my 211,500 followers who will no doubt be interested to learn what the Met Police proceeds with this information.

As a medical Doctor I am demanding all Covid 19 vaccines are stopped with immediate effect. I have made multiple representations to the NHS and via social media to the public and as a result the GMC are trying to remove my licence to practice medicine. My crime is performing as according to my GMC professional standards of good medical practice, informed consent, duty of candour and promoting sound biomedical ethics, publicizing genuinely held evidence- based patient safety concerns. This is a national emergency on an unprecedented scale in my professional opinion.

With best wishes and thank you for your attention. Dr David Cartland BMedSci MBChB MRCGP (2014)


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