Freedom of Truth News 24/4/23

Nothing to see here...
Fantastic Display again
Jody and Joasia had an extremely successful display of Forest of the Fallen at Bermagui last Saturday with a beautiful day at hand, the sun out and little wind, the elements were right for a positive response from the community & holiday makers up there.
Jody say it was the most successful display to date with lots of positives responses…..It seems to be an excellent way of engaging with the public about the issue in a passive kind of way, allowing them to engage or reject on their own terms…Regardless of peoples views it is somewhat confronting but good to let people know what has been happening….they can take it or leave it…check the video below
Jody is going to do Fishpen on Wednesday 25th setting up at 7am in the sun, she is looking for support and help in setting up and just a bit of support from some of the crew during the morning, so please come along…somewhere along Fishpen…she may have to go and enquire as to who lives where so as not to offend anyone HaHa, anyway she has council approval so go girl!
Following Wednesday Jody is looking to do Littleton Gardens the main town park in Bega opposite the Council’s palace of dreams…so stay tuned for that one
The WHO’s power grab
Everyone is aware of the proposed amendments to the WHO’s International Health Regulations and how much control this will give to the WHO in dictating health policy over each member country…there is a link to a petition that everyone needs to sign as a matter of urgency..
Petition Reason
We the people of Australia are concerned that Parliament has not discussed (and no Public Referendum held) and will not have a say on the 307 proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, AND the amendments to 5 Articles of the IHR that were ADOPTED by the 75th World Health Assembly on 27 May 2022. The amendments that were adopted on 27 May 2022 have not been debated in or voted on by Parliament or the people. Australia has the authority to reject them under Article 61 of the IHR, but any such rejection must be within 18 months of their adoption. Parliament and the people must be given the opportunity to vote on whether to reject the amendments that have already been adopted, and also the 307 proposed amendments that are currently being negotiated by Australian delegates to the 76th World Health Assembly.
Petition Request
We therefore ask the House to hold Parliamentary debate and a Public Referendum on whether to reject the amendments that have already been adopted, and also the 307 proposed amendments
Have a look at this short video for ANZAC day here...
Potoroo this month
We are not doing our monthly Potoroo gathering this Sunday because the gig is on the Saturday night before and will require a lot of attention and cleaning up etc leaving the remnants of Sunday for resting, but it is planned to have the next Potoroo group gathering in mid May and hopefully we’ll have a couple of great presentations from Rik Schnabel who is a brain untrainer… I am sure we could all do with a bit of that, have a look at his website he is a local guy with great skills and fully awake to what’s happening in our world.
Plus we are hopeful of again securing Flor Amamowicz from Sydney to address us on the use of Bio Magnets and the benefits of water purification ….Flor has had experience internationally and is training some of our group in the use of Bio Magnets….
Here is and exceptional interview with a DR Manuel Apricio of Mexico detailing the many successes with water purification Dr Apricio heads up a team of over 7000 doctors following these endeavors
Food for Thought
I've been in France for three months now. Their approach to this is simply fantastic.
I'd like to share a bit about it.
A very well known supermarket here decided to go cashless.
A group of 50 people got together and agreed that they would all do a big shop on the same day. Pilling their trolleys to the brim and each person getting to the checkout - the human check out, not the machines - and having everything scanned before bringing cash out.
The staff were absolutely overrun. There management in a complete tizz, everyone repeatedly, calmly and in a very organised and polite fashion acting as if they knew nothing. No edges, no rudeness, no humiliation.
The supermarket reinstated cash.
Petrol stations : filling up with fuel then only having cash to pay.
Restaurants : groups of friends going out for dinner and nobody taking phones or credit cards, only cash ...
They are doing it in every single area of France. Simply refusing to be part of it.
The reason it works is because it's organised in large groups. One person here and another there doesn't work. It needs to be really carefully constructed.
See you all at the Big Gig don’t forget to book your tickets and yes please we need help …does anyone have any firewood they could drop off at the Murrah hall ?