Freedom of Truth News 3/4/24
Freedom group luncheon this weekend
Hi people, just to let you know there is a luncheon happening this Sunday at the Narooma Golf Club at 12;30 in the Seahorse Room or also known as the Members Room, this is to bring people together from our various areas and groups up and down the coast, this is second of such luncheons, mainly to discuss and coordinate what each group is doing and how we can support each other when required, so if you are interested please respond to Marilyn Vine on 0244721835 and give her your town from location and name & details...Should be good networking
Bega food share on again this Saturday April 6th.
Our sign has gone AWOL but we'll be at the usual spot...the picnic tables as you come into Bega, opposite Macca's. We'll have some LETS Growfree membership forms. If you haven't anything to 'share' come and trade on our new parallel economy.
Forest of the Fallen
Jody was at it again doing the Forest of the Fallen at the busiest spot on the far south coast last Sunday at Bar beach Merimbula.
It was a beautiful day in paradise with lots of holiday makers lapping up the beautiful conditions and a very positive response from 99.9% of the people. Jody’s council approval has now run out so it is over 2 years that she has been doing it and what a wonderful job she has done and thanks to those who have helped her, Marc & Thelma and others.
Forest of the Fallen displays are carried out in 150 other locations around Australia and Jody’s was one of the very first other than Selky’s from Tasmania who initiated the concept..
This is not to say Jody is going to stop doing them but given that our council is the only one of the 150 other areas that claims they require a specific land use approval. Nothing like a bit of fabricated over regulation... soon they’ll want you to have license to fly a kite or lay on a beach towel.... watch this space.
Heart Centred Beings workshop

We now have a confirmed location for the Heart Centred Beings workshop being the Pambula CWA rooms opposite Swan hardware on Sunday the 28th from 2-5pm then dinner in the Indian restaurant next door afterward...
This is a full blown workshop being held by Nina Digigleo and her partner Craig using all sorts of great technology’s including the use of Rife machine and many other modalities $ 10 per head minimal charge, greater donations most certainly welcome.
This is going to be a great opportunity to explore better ways of healing...the way of the future.
Please also find attached the PDF of the A4 poster, so please if you could print a few off and put them up around on the local notice boards that would be great to make sure we get some numbers there as it is a big commitment from Nina & Craig to come all this way from Berry and charge only $10 per head, so please spread the word put a couple of posters up and come and enjoy the occasion..
Last reminder of 2 day workshops with James Greenshield
As stated last week dates have been set for the 2 day Community Building workshop being presented by James Greenshields from Innovative Traders:
Merimbula/Pambula 5 & 6 May (venue yet to be secured)
Narooma/Moruya 3 & 4 May (venue yet to be secured)