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Freedom of Truth News 17/3/24

Forest of the Fallen displays in Sanctuary Point & Merimbula

Yesterday there were two great displays of Forests of the Fallen which were well attended and appreciated by many people, they still are doing the job waiving the flag for those who have suffered bigtime and been ignored by authorities and many people...but a great reminder to those with a bit of vision and care.

Reminder this Tuesday nights zoom session with Cass Smith

Please don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to join a zoom meeting with Cass Smith from Freedom Financial Solutions.

Cass is very well known and respected in the financial and freedom circles, she has addressed at various rallies and is extremely well versed in finances.

The purpose of the zoom is for Cass to help highlight where and what people can do to best secure their money in the lead up to a very likely financial collapse, Cass’s focus is primarily on Super funds that can be lost with a financial collapse if money is held in investments out of your control. Learn how to take control of your own super investments, learn about self managed Super funds, Cass will also give details on “bail in” laws and how they can come into play, which can affect everyone who has cash in the bank, she will talk options such as Gold and Silver etc, so this is a great opportunity for those with concerns as to how to secure

their money to hear the basis of some good some options. 19th March 6:30-8pm Link to Zoom which is a Microsoft Teams link Microsoft Teams Need help?

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 428 113 392 105 Passcode: iXqGpX

Also just a reminder of the importance of not just exiting the WHO but how the head of the snake is within the United Nations itself ... Goodbye & good riddance to the head of the one world control system the “United Deception’

As flagged in the last news release James Greenshields from Innovative Traders is proposing a 2 day community building workshop which will be available the end of April/ early May . The location is yet to be determined, we need to know how many people would be interested workout where it is most practical to hold the event, so please return message me or message Symony on 0416398952 to express your interest;

Also last callers for interest in Zoom meeting with Greg McKay for those who are wanting further detail on Greg’s structured concepts, Greg has offered zooms on specific topics from his presentation which covered a six or more step strategy to follow based around claiming your existence as a living man back and getting your identity secured, developing a cooperative with your community, establishing alternate fuel supplies “Bio fuel” production and possible Hydrogen power, establishing PMA’s private members associations helpful in moving out of the public into the private, transferring your land titles into the private. Securing your Royal assented birth certificate signed off by the Arch Bishop of Canterbury, as against the “Strawman version”. Plus the benefits of “TPR” The People Reserve Currency which is a digital crypto currency that apparently is one of a few fully functioning alternate currency’s. Also the establishment of (EBISE) Essentials Backed Independent Social Enterprise system (alternate banking system) secure and run by the people.

Again return message me or contact Symony 0416 398 952

PLUS today’s Tilba trading day and gathering called off due to “Climate Change” to be rescheduled..

And don’t forget next Sunday’s Potoroo gathering with presentations from Dr Judy Wilyman and Wendy Daniel, be there at 10:30 for 11am start, bring a chair or a blanket to sit on..


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