Freedom of Truth News July12

Potoroo gathering this coming Sunday !! 10;30 am start
We have the privilege of having Barbara & Roy Rogers coming to our patch this weekend for a one-off live appearance ….
All jokes aside Barbara is head of and with her husband are doing a road trip around meeting groups and bringing them up to speed with what she and her group which includes James Roguski are up to in the fight to get Australia free of the ridiculous tyranny being imposed by the WHO
Barbara has also established a Yellow Pages for the freedom movement across Australia this is just about up and running and will provide a platform for people to promote their skills and network, it will also through the backend have an ability to provide like a social media platform which could prove very useful if the government has its way with the Ministry of Truth bill.
Also Barbara and her team are in the throws of developing up a support network for freedom fighters and groups to get help and assistance with issues including legal and general support with getting things done etc… This could also prove to be a wonderful tool we can benefit from.
Jeff Hawkins & the Yuin nation
Jeff is going to bring us up to speed with what he and a vast network of people including members of The Australia Project have been working on in bringing together a parallel system of governance, transparent and accountable to the people…he will be giving us an update on the launch of the Yuin nation to remove Australian Federal, NSW state & Local Council jurisdiction, things arew progressing well and notices to Governments & police are being prepared currently… Given all the hubbub happening with the Voice to parliament at the moment this is very timely also..
Then some lunch…. the weather prediction is excellent so it should be a great day and please remember with Potoroo they are doing it tough at the moment it is the quiet time of year, so if you can make a monthly donation even $10 or $20 will be a great help to them their bank details are
Bank details: Bendigo Bank, BSB 633-000
Account number: 138414289
Name of Account: Potoroo Fund

This movie is a box office hit and probably the most important and disturbing movie to be shown to the mainstream public regarding child trafficking… It has already in the first week had more showings than Indiana Jones and yet only a handful of cinema’s are taking it on….It would be great if our local Picture show cinema here in Merimbula or the Kinema in Narooma will take it on …bound to get full houses…how about we all give them a call and ask them if they are going to show it and politely suggest it would be very popular and a good thing to show
Merimbula The Picture Showman ph 64953744
The Kinema Narooma ph 44762352