Freedom of Truth News update.. 22/6/23

Freedom of Truth News…update 22/6/23
Just a reminder which I forgot to mention in yesterdays news update that not only are we having addresses from Diane Gia Gleeson & Marc Clayton at Potoroo on Sunday but we also have Rian Smith giving us a run down on (PHA) People’s Heath Alliance…which is now up and active locally..
Gordon & Sue’s success
Gordon and Sue have sent through these photos and blessed us all for helping them pay to get the spray creating done on their house, this is a huge relief for them and now protects the house from suffering UV damage which was starting to happen… I think the next stage may be to cover the building with fill (soil) but I am not sure and will speak to Gordon to find out exactly what their next steps are……We will be able to help them again with a group working bee when the moment is right