Freedom of Truth Media release 27/9/22

> Last Sunday we were blessed with a beautiful day for our Potorro was another great attendance and nice also to see some different faces in our midst ...Our rap from Kym Mogridge regarding the LETS (Local Exchange Trading System) was interesting, David Woods who organised Kym's attendance is getting Kym to provide some follow up information for us to look at.... the basic principles including the 13 rules that apply and some trading examples soon as we have that we will distribute it to everyone., but in the meantime take a look at the Bega Valley LETS Facebook page for further information..
> Toni Mclennan who came down from Queanbeyan to address us is looking for people who want to get on board with a group she has formed called Rise Up Australia email; she is looking for people who want to take substantive action to stop the tyranny , Toni believes enough is enough and it is now time to stand up and make principled steps to stop the murdering (poisoning) of the people, you cannot argue with that... the numbers reflect just for those who want to become directly involved email Toni and get on board with her group....all power to her she is a wonderful strong caring person who wants truth and integrity restored and a real future ahead for all future generations
> Dinah Facius's address was as always very captivating and full of passion, Dinah is of the mind that people need to become very much informed of their rights and freedoms given the system of enslavement that we have been encapsulated in. Dinah believe we need to stand up and reject the system because most of the time as we know the legitimacy and real legality of what is imposed upon us is false, Dinah has been delving into the Magna Carta 1215 which was established to enshrine us with real freedoms... Dinah spoke of a guy Carl Liebold who has a group called Voice for Freedom they have an array of easy to listen to audio's in lesson form about the Magna Carta 1215, Dinah encourages everyone to put them on whilst doing other things and just take it in because apparently it is all very relevant...otherwise have a listen to Carl interviewing Spiros who is a retired Barrister in Melbourne.. he was responsible for shredding Brett Sutton and his legal cronies in court in Victoria...well worth a listen....Spiros is also behind the establishment of Community Councils & People's Trusts...the trust are designed to put a break between you and the authority trying to impose its will upon you...Dinah will be providing us with some more info about these Peoples Trust's... they are already established in Victoria, SA and ACT so far...
> This weeks garden planting
> This coming Saturday 1st Oct we are planing a plant out at Mick & Laura's place getting vegies into the ground...bring your seeds and seedlings and plant in either your own personal little patch or in the communal area or both...starting at 12 midday come and be a part of securing your veges for the summer... Meanwhile out at Gunnar & Robyn's they have Shane, Tegan & Karen and maybe others working and growing there and at Millingandi we have Janet, myself, Lee & Vanessa and maybe someone else growing there...There is a lot of room available and plenty of God's water out at Mick and Laura's so we'll see you there...Bring some lunch
Sunday's Candelo Market
> Sunday markets at Candelo we'll be at it again preaching to the unconverted and probably talking to many of the converted as well...we do not have our new brochures printed as we are trying to accumulate the funds for that,...we may ask Connie and or Vicki who are maestros with the brush if they can hand paint some of our placards for us... So please come along and show support and join in as the more the merrier .....we are singing the anti agenda 2030 and Great Reset offering support to those who may be vaccine affected ...
> Reignite Democracy (Neil's letter to Doctors)
As previously reported Neil produced an excellent letter for everyone to send to doctors alerting them to the latest vaccine injury data and the ineptness of the vaccines in protecting people whilst reminding them of their duty of care to their patients...Neil also forwarded it to Reignite Democray and they through Monica directly have responded very favorably to the point where they are talking about promoting it nationally ...for all their members to take advantage of...i have attached the latest version with a couple of changes and additions to it for our benefit to send to our quacks to remind them of what they're responsibilities are...and what is unfolding as a result of this diabolical vaccine rollout...special thanks to Neil for his great initiative and success in getting this out to the would have to suggest even if it makes one doctor change his tack on this issue there will be be lives saved..below attached is the most updated version of the letter for everyone's use
> Dingoes at Potoroo,
> Just for a quick update on the unfortunate Dingo fiasco that's unfolded at Potoroo where in all good faith the Potoroo crew responded to an appeal from a wildlife park in Qld who had two dingoes in there possession and were needing to find homes for them as their santuary was closing...Potoroo responded to the call for help and offered for the Dingoes to be relocated to Potoroo given they already had had dingoes and have the capacity to look after them, they organised for the carer of the Dogs from the Qld facility to bring them down...which he did Justin the owner of the santuary has reared the dingoes for 6 years and they were very attached...he slept with them iun their enclosure here at Potoroo for a week whilst getting them familiarised with their new keeper Demi and the others...the dogs now trust Demi and are happy, the same time Potoroo went forth and engaged in the process of gaining the relevant approvals to home them from the DPI (Department of Primary Industries) who flew into town from Dubbo to inspect the facility only to discover that (lord forbid) the dingoes were already there ahead of the approval.....and since then have returned on various occasions obviously at great expense and have served Potoroo with notice and told them they have found 35 breaches in the facility being compliant to home Dingoes and threatened them with penalties of up to $6000 which is outrageous...basically they have instructed them to get them off the premises and find new homes for them and that they could not have them....this seems on the face of it a real real witch hunt...Bureaucracy gone mad or deliberate attempt to damage or destroy the business...surely some simple instructions requesting rectification of "said" breaches and a time frame to get things done and some compassion and understanding from the DPI would be a better way to handle this issue (and Pigs can fly)....Unfortunately it sounds like an agenda to make life very hard for Potoroo who have been providing a great facility and service to the community and welfare of wildlife for 40 plus years...we can only hope some sanity prevails....
> Donations to the group
> We are desperately short of money to get the things done that we need such as printing our brochures and revising our signs ....we are asking for donations....some people have already contributed and many have previously but if you can chip in it will be much appreciated...ATM we have $420 in the account from donations thank you so much to those who have and if you can...Bendigo Bank BSB 633-000 Acc 188425847
> Phone hacking
One of our members has alerted us to the fact they have found downloaded on there phone is a whole series of photos from our group events and our Logo's etc the photos are of members of our group so just consider it is possible that some of our stuff may be circulating on the watch out....I don't know what we can do ...but I have certainly quite often used photos of our group members at events on our this is likely where it has come from....