Freedom of Truth Media release 5/10/22

He said " Let there be rain" & there was mud he then said "Let there be light" & there was abundance

How does your garden grow?
Yes it is all falling out of the sky and into place...our vegey patches are planted...that is not to say there is not still plenty of room for more planting for those who want to... but we had a great day out at Mick & Laura's place in amongst showers of rain and a foot of mud it was very good for grounding as Drew will testify....we now have group gardens planted out at Woluma/Candelo....Buckajo, Millingandi and Numbugga all now in growth mode and the pictures above of the produce are from the Merimbula "Farm on the Green" which is not certified organic but is chemical free produce grown by local volunteers and sold to the public on Sunday mornings between 9;30 and 11am up on the back bowling green at Club Sapphire for those interested.
The market last weekend at Candelo was the most successful we've had to date with a cracker of a day, a lot of Truthers coming along to help or just say hello and strong support and interest from the people in what is happening with the Great Reset, New World Order.. Agenda 2030 etc most pleasingly was the amount of awakened or somewhat aware people and quite a solid interest from those who not.. This Sunday we will be doing the Pambula markets so please come along and join in.... you may need to bring an umbrella and jacket...hopefully the weather will bless us..
Special thanks to those who have donated money to the group for costs incurred with printing and redoing our trailer signs etc and an extra special thankyou to the the wonderful Rosie Bunton who has donated us $1000 which will allow us to get the things done we have planned...Rosie is currently recovering from having a hip replaced and is about to get the second one done in November so there is only one thing to say to Rosie... HIP HIP HOORAY! Rosie will be up and doing the hippy hippy shake in no time...
Special group presentation
We are getting a visit from Flor Amanowicz who lives in Sydney and is someone who is very well versed on many treatments including MMS Chlorine Dioxide and it various benefits including water purification ...Flor survived stage 3 cancer whilst using MMS and has been helping many people recover from many different things including vaccine put this in your memory bank for our Potoroo gig on Sunday the 30th October...
Bega Valley LETS information attachment
Attached below is an information sheet prepared by Kym Mogridge after his presentation to us a week or so ago explaining how Bega Valley LETS (Local Exchange Trading System) actually works and its is obviously an effective system as it has expanded throughout the world and has been operating now for many years...a good way of trading outside of the mainstream currency system and a way of keeping the grubberment's snout and paws out of it..
Both the & the websites are undergowing some upgrades to make them more user friendly, we now have a few extra people on admin to help with this so check them out because they are becoming very valuable tools in us supporting and networking with eachother.
Honest to Goodness
Janet is opening an Honest to Goodness order today so check your emails for the order details from this afternoon..
Special thanks to Vicki for updating and hand painting a lot of our placards for our new wave mantra...
