Freedom of Truth News 18/10/24
Visit from Australian League of Rights
Last week were blessed with a great visit and address from Arnie Luks of the ALOR on Saturday last to a great group of interested members.

Arnie really is extremely well versed on all our political history and the unfolding of the global agenda for the one world government. He has been on the trail for 60 odd years and knew all the early pioneers of the unfolding knowledge like Jeremy Lee and Eric Butler.
He is clearly of the belief we have the bones of a good system with our 1901 constitution as the backbone and a system of governance that can and did function well until it was usurped by corporate interests. He believes we do not need to reinvent the wheel but to restore and rebuild what we had put in place back when our constitution was formed.
He believes it start at the grass roots which is clearly us and he thinks getting on the soap box disseminating information and informing people is a good way to go..
Starting with children at schools teaching them of our rights and the basis of our constitution and how democratic governance actually works to build a strong platform of knowledge rather than dumbing each generation down..
He thinks getting people informed and then elected to local councils or becoming local members is obviously a good way to go.
Becoming informed is critical in empowering people to spread the gospel of what is really going on, prompting people to see the corruption, deception and manipulation of our system and understanding the grandiose global one world government objective behind it all.
He believes government control should be reduced and personal, localised responsibility come back to the fore, minimise government intervention into our own lives “devolution” where centralised government control is taken back by a localised system of the people.
The website is a wealth of information with a library full of books about our history and archive of incredible speeches, interviews, presentations and historical documentation from many of Australia’s finest minds, it is the go to place for everything Australian you will ever want. They produce a weekly newsletter called “On target” which goes into greater detail of all the current issues, they have 4 writers and also produce a hard copy 90 page monthly Journal, such a wealth of knowledge and information, we will be putting links to it on our website. I suggest everyone read and subscribe to the weekly On target newsletter as the work the League does is so worth supporting.
We are in letter writing mode at the moment..
Given recent events, namely the US federal court ruling regarding evidence showing fluoride is a neurotoxin and potentially reduces IQ’s in children. We wrote to various councils about this last week and as yet we have received only one response from the CEO of the BVSC which I will attach for your interest, basically saying they are waiting for any advice from NSW Health or the NHMRC Nation Health & Medical research Council but in the mean time will continue to follow the legislated guidelines of implementation.
We have prepped up a response to go to the councillors who have passed their responsibility to the CEO to deal with the issue in consultation with these other higher level government authorities.
We need to remind them that the decision to include fluoride was an elected councillor decision and the onus is upon them to show a duty of care to public.
It would be reckless to take the risk of continuing to add fluoride given it has been found to be harmful at the accepted levels used in water supplies.. If they choose to ignore this information they will likely be held liable .
We will ask for them to provide evidence to the contrary or just provide one scientist or doctor who will verify in writing that fluoride cannot at those levels harm anyone, then we will accept it in the water. If not we will demand a bond be put in place by the council of $250,000 per year accumulating to deal with any potential harms that may occur.
This may help them take the issue more seriously.Very easy to stop it and no risk of harm to anyone. It can’t possibly harm not to have.
Port Hedland Shire Council
The other issue we have been writing letters about is the awesome work done by the Port Hedland Council who put the cards clearly on the table, revealing strong evidence of extremely high levels of DNA contamination in the Pfizer & Moderna mRNA jabs, this evidence has been backup by many other independent studies done in various parts of the world and it now seems to go even further with revelation of such contamination having been happening in other vaccines previously for quite some time, this is very damning. The whole truth behind vaccines is incredulous and is now opening a pandora’s box.
The Port Hedland council resolved to support MP Russell Broadbent’s letter to the PM calling for an immediate stop to the jab rollout , subject to studies and proof that these findings are not accurate, but the evidence is very robust and everyone who has been following this debacle knows the truth... So the council are alerting all 537 other councils of this information and asking them to deal with it accordingly by alerting their own local medical facilities and to also put pressure on the PM and other members of Parliament to deal with this issue...
The TGA have come out and tried to discredit the studies but have been found to be using techniques which even Moderna the patent holders clearly articulate as being irrelevant and inaccurate. So TGA caught out bullshiting, we are getting a bit over it, so we all need to send letters to the PM all the Senators and Members of Parliament, particularly our local Member Kristy McBain who is asleep or complicit and pretending like many of the others that there is nothing to see here.
WE are over the BS and ignorance...time is now for them to step up or step out!
Letters to send out..
Attached below are two draft letters to go to the PM and to go to MP’s and Senators as well. so please send these off as they are trying to hide from the Elephant in the room issues but time is now, so much pressure is building with all the evidence coming to the surface they need to face the elephant or get trampled by it..
Also attached is a further response to the BVS councillors in regards the fluoride letter response from their CEO Anthony McMahon which I have already sent off.. only FYI