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Freedom of Truth news 28/6/24

Community building workshop a great success

The Innovative traders 4 day community building workshop in Narooma held last week was a great success with 28 people attending over the four days… not everyone was able to partake everyday but as each day focused on different areas people could prioritise and participate in the most relevant parts as they wished…People even came from afar even down in Victoria.

As always the facilitator James Greenshield was outstanding with his presentation and really instilled a great understanding of what is required to build a functioning community and injected everyone with confidence and self-belief encouraging them to get on and do it.

Special thanks goes to all those who put in the hard yards to make it happen especially Symony & Ree Liddel who were tireless in their organising and preparations….and those who provided facilities and accommodation like Garry & Stina Kerans at Ecotel Motel and Lucia for billeting up someone.

All part of the better reset.

Strength in numbers

It is a great old saying but couldn’t be more relevant than for these times…We have recently expanded our wings to encompass and link with our northern allies from up the coast which has been great. We have been having meetings together every couple of months which is good for comparing notes and networking but the idea of being a part of a much bigger national scale group of like-minded people is really attractive because it not only gives you as an individual some substantiation but it really helps the whole movement when you can say you are part of a group of nearly 2 million like-minded members… it carries a bit of weight when large amounts of people start putting pressure on governments and the powers that be, demanding answers & accountability. 

Aligned Council Australia came together this year as a collective body to push for a genuine Royal Commission into the handling of Covid and this has been positively supported by the majority of those senators who voted upon it. It is happening thanks to public pressure through weight of numbers and a lot of hard work by certain politicians, the ACA and others who have now put excellent submissions forward for recommendations for the terms of reference…

Then ACA turned their focus on getting the government to reject the WHO’s IHR amendments and Treaty, but unfortunately our government has bent over so far they now have their heads up their own sphincters trying satisfy the globalists demands.

So no success on that front yet…but the thing is this group is only going to grow and is a great representation of all those on our side, so we really need to get onboard and join them to help get the numbers over the 2 million mark, if we do then we can lay claim to having near 10% of the entire population calling for big change as part of the largest group in Australia’s history …. Carries a bit of weight, more so than just our combined groups and a lot of others all around Australia… Weight in numbers (together)


Our role as a Council is to:

  • come together, in numbers,

  • get informed, to share with each other what we are doing,

  • coordinate our amazing individual and collective efforts.

We will do this by:

  • working together,

  • active engagement with local Members of Parliament,

  • working with media,

  • hosting events,

  • bringing together the community.

Time is of the essence, and we are all so few. But together we are STRONG, Together we are MIGHTY. By working together we can ensure that our efforts are united and we can do what is necessary: 

Freedom of Truth Website 

As stated over the last couple of weeks we are building up the website, if you have a look at it now you will see it is providing a wealth of information and our directory is getting filled up rapidly, we advertise local producers & suppliers. Health & wellbeing practitioners and health shops… we also highlight upcoming events such as the workshops, Potoroo gigs, Forest of the Fallen, Lets GrowFree, Sun Villages Zoom sessions etc a great platform to find out what’s going on.. 

New method of getting News Updates 

As we now have a substantial amount of recipients like approximately 600 and it has become cumbersome for me to email them out from my computer in large bunches so we are now going to do it via the website which I am led to believe will be a lot easier and we can still email them directly to your email inbox, but what it requires is for you to click on to website scroll down to the subscribe button and then type in your email address and you will be on the list… So please do this   

LETS GrowFree at Candelo market Sunday week!

Come along and find out what it’s all about … building an alternate system.

Forest of the Fallen

Once again was on last Saturday at Short Point Merimbula where Jody and Thelma had more positive feedback from the majority of people well done to them again spreading the truth to the masses.

Using Bills of exchange to nullify debt

For those who are wanting to challenge the crazy strawman existence that we have been born into, here is some information that if followed to the letter could be successful in challenging some of that legal fiction false narrative that is and has been going on for way to long, but if you are going to do it, it needs to be followed to the letter or it will backfire, have a look and consider whether you want to give it a go… certainly it appears the structure is there to have success… 


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