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Freedom of truth News update 17/10/22

Freedom of Truth news update 17/10/22

Merimbula markets

So despite last weeks markets at Pambula being washed out we had a very eventful day today at the Merimbula markets where we were great by one of the Rotarian hierarchy wanting to know what we were about.. so after informing him and passing on some of our brochures he went away to discuss amongst the others whether they thought we were acceptable to their whims or not... and low and behold they decided we were outside of their "Medium" where we were too political and anti mainstream to be deemed acceptable....and they have a Rotarian policy of supporting the Covid 19 vaccine rollout, i questioned whether that was regardless of evidence of vaccine injuries or deaths...They're just locked in to supporting the government narrative...a highly intellectual philosophy ....They told us we could stay on this occasion but were not welcome back..

Despite this we had our most successful stall to date where we were steadily being met by already awakened and those very interested on their way to awakening people. We picked up another page full of contacts of people wanting to join our group...Quite a few who have moved here to escape the insanity of the cities....It was very encouraging and gave us all great hope that many people are on their way...The Rotarians and all other stall holders could see how popular our stall was...we rarely had a moment where we were not engaging with next month we may just set up outside of their market area and make a mockery of their ignorance...

Honest to Goodness order open now

For all those who have not put their orders in just a reminder the order is still open for this week as will have to scroll back through your emails to when the open order link was sent to you which was on the 5th October and follow the prompts to get your orders in and do not pay until you receive the request for payment emails which comes after the order is closed...if you pay before then you will not receive the benefits of the wholesale rates...

Next Sunday 23rd Oct Gardening sessions

We are planning on having a gardening day at our growing venues to either plant more, weed and or mulch whatever is needed, I shall confirm times later

Next Potoroo gathering on the 30th October

We are having a very special guest Flo Amanowicz from Sydney coming down to address us, Flo has been very involved in some extremely successful treatments of various significant illnesses including vaccine injuries...she specialises in various differing techniques/treatments and protocols so don't miss this great opportunity to meet first hand someone who has had considerable success in treating all sorts of ailments which are considered in the main stream as very challenging...come and discover some of the natural wonders of genuine health care.


Paul Caruana has been working on our website upgrading the layout and the way it is basically going to become our broader information hub for those interested in our exploits and sharing of information, with reasonable easy access for the general public...we have a direct link to the website which is for the benefit of those wanting a network of community support...opalvillage provides the full structure system of a disaster survival plan...something we should all engage in as a means of preparing for the worst whilst hoping for the has been made easier to access, so if you haven't already done it.. get on and fill out all the relevant areas that you have interests in and what fields you can support with your skills.

Freedom of Truth Telegram group pages

As most people know we have our Freedom of Truth Telegram group which is an information sharing platform that is not censored like Facebook and Twitter although it is not immune to being monitored i am sure is very good and active, we also have our Freedom of Truth Health and Welbeing network telegram group full of great information.. so if you are want to get on, you need to download the Telegram app and ask an existing group member you know to send you an invite link to join our group pages..


And just remember if things go down like full on cyber attack or a power outage we meet at 10am on either the next Saturday or Wednesday whichever comes first at Potoroo to just discuss and support those who are in need..

And a special thankyou to all truth seekers for being who you are as we are all in this together and here to support each other ...

PS attached below are a series of links to a myriad of information relating to chlorine dioxide MMS (Miracle mineral solution)

MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution

Before using MMS first watch the video’s below to get a really good understanding of what MMS is

what it can do and most importantly how to follow the protocols for maximum success.

MMS is an amazing tool for people who wish to take their health into their own hands and heal

themselves so it is well worth taking the time to learn everything you can before getting started to

achieve the best outcomes.

The Universal Antidote – History uses, testimonials and why it has been suppressed.




MMS- History and Demonstration Making MMS1

MMS Starting procedure – Treating acute and chronic disease with MMS1


MMS - Treating chronic disease with MMS1

Where to buy MMS and DSMO in Australia

What is DSMO

Toxin binders

BitChute (

The Universal Antidote

This is the science and story of Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2), a substance that NASA proclaimed in 1987 to be “…the universal antidote…”. Since then—and despite rabid vilification by Big Pharma—thousands have recovered from illness using ClO2, and now ma…


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