Freedom of Truth Update 11/4/22
Urgent fundraising for Unity in the Community Gig
This is a call out to all Truth members to dig deep and help the cause to secure this wonderful community event, as you all know we holding our Unity in the Community Big Gig on the 28th May the week after the federal election and focus is about bringing everyone together in unity...we have secured Jigamy Farm as the location for the gig and we have tentatively secured Matt Davis and his band Jimmy Pants & the Kashmir Plants, Matt Davis is rated as one of Australia's finest rock n blues guitarists...not only that, we have a stellar line up of local bands which includes some of our very own Truth members.. like Ree Liddell and her highly accomplished band "changoTRee" and Paul Leeder with his Candelo Blues Club band and a very supportive Gary Jones with his band Mojo, Sam Stevenson and his band "Don't come Monday's" plus Howlin' Mitch and also an opening ceremony with our local Koori brothers and Nathan Lygon to play some Didgereedoo...and possibly others...this make for an event that will be absolutely memorable and potentially perpetual....Our new normal
We have done a costing analysis and it will cost approximately $10k which includes hall fees, security, bands and equipment, insurance etc. The hall is a great venue with excellent acoustics and can accommodate an estimated 500 we are looking to sell tickets at $40 per adult $ 100 per family (2 adults & two kids) or $ 20 for children under 16
The thing is we need to pay for the main band.. as in Matt Davis and the sound and lighting crew up front and possibly the hall in advance as well...these cost are basically a total of $5000 and we need to pay the bucks before the end of this we are asking that everyone at a minimum makes a pledge and commits to at least buying a ticket or pledging more and receiving a ticket and either reclaiming your pledge back less your ticket cost or just donating your pledge to the's that as clear as mud? Donate as much as you can and you will be allocated a ticket or as many as you would like to buy...and if you have contributed more than the cost of the tickets you want you can either be refunded the surplice or donate it to the groups fund...
Freedom of Truth bank details - to make a contribution please email:
Here is a couple of tasters from "changoTRee"
Teachers Group Meeting
Christine Cook is holding a Teacher & teachers assistants get together at Potoroo 2pm this coming Thursday 14th for networking and brainstorming ideas so if you have anything to offer please come along..
Federal election candidates public forum
On Wednesday 27th April at 7pm ...Craig Malcolm on behalf of the FSCC&UU Far south coast community & united unions has organized a meet the candidates night to be held at Club Sapphire in Merimbula this is a forum where each candidate will be given a set period of time to sing their song and then will be posed questions through a Q&A format off the floor...Rian Smith as a member Reignite Democracy and our group will be hosting the night ...this will be a great opportunity to hear what they have to say and pose some relevant questions to the perspective candidates...Craig has Bega District News wanting to live stream it and Win TV are also coming along...a great opportunity everyone
Management Committee zoom meeting tonight at 6:30
Below attached is copy of this poster or flyer please just print them off and stick a few up on your local notice board or in letter boxes.