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Freedom of Truth Update 27/7/22

"How does your garden grow"? With water, soil and a bit of love and attention and there it will be!

This Sunday we were going to help Markus Douglas with his offer of his garden to jointly work and produce ..but due to unforeseen circumstances Markus's is not going to work out this weekend so we are changing tack and heading to Vanesa's place to dig over a bit of ground and get something started...we previously did some preliminary clearing of vegetation in preparation for a garden there...we were looking rather big at the time, so after speaking with Ness we have agreed we should start small just get a small area initially established and it can grow from there....So this Sunday the 31st 10am start we will work for a few hours before having a picnic bring your own picnic and a spade or garden fork at hand and if you have something to plant well and good, I have some Heirloom variety seeds we can plant...Vanesa's place is 191 Milingandi Rd on the left just off the sealed onto the dirt coming from Pambula end the property is called "Trees" and is the older home at the rear not the first house you see on the right...go past another 50 metres

Next week we will hopefully be heading to Wolumla to Mick & Laura McGarry's place to help them get something into the ground..

A very interesting concept of growing/producing and living sustainably is the system which is well worth a mentioned last week Craig Malcolm is mates with the inventor of the concept so hopefully we should be able to access all information required...Simple & effective

Also for those wanting any potatoes to plant Nicho and Alexandra have offered up that they have an abundance...

Candelo Markets on Sunday week.....we are wanting to book a site and get some volunteers to spread the word about the globalist agenda....lots to tell...we need a marque if anyone has got one we have a table or two and a seat or two but some sort of covering and some volunteers would be great...I think it is a great opportunity to expand our mantra from being just anti Covid vaccines to the broader picture which farmers and general people may be more willing to take on board...I am sure we will be well received.

Rian and some of the crew are over in central Aus doing the universe proud supporting the tribal elders find solutions to how we get to where we want to a world of harmony and equality. We'll get these gardens ticking over whilst Rian is away...

Other things on the agenda... that hopefully will fall into place over time ie; Contact tree, Business contact tree, CB radios, getting alternate power supplies ie; Generators you can power most essentials in your house, alternate schooling, natural health systems and other support networks are all works in progress that take time and time is limited I know we have members in our group with particular focuses in some of these areas and they are whittling away at trying to achieve these objectives the moment my time is limited being busy at work etc and just trying to keep up with all the brain draining info that is either real or not real...trying to decipher the truth!

For those who would love to take any of these projects on or get involved please let us know...we do have committee meetings every few weeks if anyone would like to come along and offer up any suggestions, we're all busy but we know we have lots of able people ready and wanting to do things....Please let us know


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