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Many hands make light work!

Freedom of Truth Update 2/8/22

Many hands make light work...Two Garden plots ready to go!...what a great and most enjoyable day we had last Sunday at Vanesa's place prepping up two garden beds....lots of worms and natural moisture in the ground a few rocks and a great willingness from like minded people...and boombah before we knew it the initial work had been done...we need to add some mulch and goodies to the soil and then plant. We thought one bed would do as a start but with many helpers it was easy to double it we did and there is potential for a whole lot more.

It it great to have Bill back in our patch (Bill back better) he is always a breath of fresh air and offers plenty of positivity to everything.

This weekend on Saturday 10am start we are going to go back to Vanesa's to do some more.. and add what is required to the soil, mulch and compost etc and probably have to leave it for a short time before planting...i am not sure and will be guided by those who are in the know (Jenny? & others) and on Sunday our gardeners are going to Mick & Laura's place Candelo/Wolumla Rd...10 am start to do establish their garden so come and be a part of it..

We are doubling up this Sunday 7th with the Candelo markets

We are planning to set up an information stall as before but expanding our focus from mainly Covid 19 vaccines to all the issues involved with the globalist agenda of enslavement and total control over the people we all know this includes a whole range of things.... we have quite a few flyers left over from our previous letter box drop efforts last year which are still very relevant... After everything that has been happening over the time ...there is no better time than the present to continue getting the message out...cost of living blow outs etc and people not wanting to keep rolling up for on going jabs that have been proven not to work are opening the door for more people to question everything...

What we do need is a Marque...has anyone got one or know where we can get one ?? We also want volunteers to come and talk to the people ...

So plenty on this weekend...It is a great thing to work as a group helping each other get things done.. as was proven last weekend...Many hands make light work!...

Please just turn up for the gardening or return email me or message me to let me know if you can help at the markets ..particularly if you have or have access to a Marque?

And remember if you have any good ideas and want to put your hand up to initiate and do things.. you are more than welcome...we have many people in our group who have skills in lots of different areas ... eg: health and well being etc... it would be great to establish a network to be able to help and support each other in such ways, I know we have people working away behind the scenes in order to establish alternate schooling which is absolutely wonderful...

We do have the website which enables people to highlight their skills into specific areas...we also have our website which has a direct link to Opalvillage .. Kerryn Dunlop who was managing various RDA groups and telegram pages in our region and established the Off Grid in Aus telegram page has offered to help with our Freedom of Truth website which is only in its early days, this will help give the website some mojo ...Kerryn may also help with Opalvillage as well...Kerryn is very active and kept very busy working hard in her own backyard of Cooma but is a regular in our area as her her mother lives here...

See you on the weekend!


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