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Freedom of Truth update 4/03/22

All happening with major flooding on various parts of the eastern seaboard..a lot being said about it being man made ...we do know that there certainly is the ability to Geo-engineer the weather patterns....funny how they didn't make a concerted effort to break the drought before the fires a couple of years ago that would have been handy.... and slightly coincidental the area hit the hardest with never before recorded amounts of rain Murwillumbah & Lismore have the highest unvaxed rates in Australia...and Sydney copped the mega deluge on the day of their big demonstration at Parliament house ...perfectly scripted you could say. For those interested here is a link to Dale Holmes's take on what's going down...Dale addressed our group a month or so ago and is very well informed...take a look at Problem, Reaction, Solution

The other major distraction from the Plandemic and bio weapon rollout is the Russian assault on the Ukraine and their objective of demilitarizing and denazifying the country and specifically taking out all the Bioweapon laboratories..This appears to be a very positive thing in our favor as Putin is apparently not in support of the globalist's New World we can hope he achieves the required outcome and in doing so shed more light publicly onto what is really going on...

Management committee meeting..

We held a management committee meeting on Monday evening last which was well attended...we are working up a mission statement, various ideas were thrown around ie "For those awake and those who are awakening" " For those seeking the hidden truth's" we are looking for suggestions for a catchy mission statement ...basically we want it to be encouraging for those who are not on our page but starting to question the narrative, we want them to feel encouraged to join us and find out what is really happening.

We consider our objectives are to help awaken and support those ready to be awakened and to eliminate segregation...we want to bring people back think globally and act locally we are to prepare a preamble that will distinguish our objectives and Mission statement.

We want our group and gatherings to be inclusive with an "open mic" suggestion or "Pass the stick" concept where everyone gets to have rap on what they want and need and feel may help the cause.

It was also suggested that for the Opal Village website to really become valuable it needs some improvements i.e better security for those wanting to join...where for new applicants to join it should require the recommendation and endorsement of 2 existing there was some discussion about some issues in actually getting on currently and a lack of support to get these teething issues addressed. It was also suggested there needs to be an inclusive professional trade directory on it...and for the benefit of the wider group it was recommended to invite Paul Nimbahly from Permarescue to come and address the full group on his self governing, self supporting independent living methodology to give those who did not participate in his first presentation the understanding of how it is the basis of the Opal village website

We want to engage with the local Bega Valley Shire Council and possibly Eurobodalla shire to put a motion on their books that endorses an inclusive pro choice shire with full availability of all facilities always for both unvaccinated and vaccinated people with no discrimination or segregation...much like what has been achieved in Yeppoon council Queensland

We believe with the newly elected council in place and current relaxing of Covid 19 restrictions provides the perfect timing to get support from the council.

We talked of affiliating with other groups i.e Reignite Democracy and Parents with Question and others to create a network of support which i suppose exists through social media already. The suggestion was also made to do a placard/rally in Narooma or Moruya to support and enhance there movements up there in the next few weeks...we need to discuss with our northern colleagues.

We also reiterated the need to have a proper strategy in place which includes having everyone's home addresses and contact details which we have to some degree already, so we have a data base of information written down so that if things turn for the worse or we confront a cyber attack or major supply chain interruptions we know where people are to check on and provide support...we also need to reinforce/sure up our procedure of having a meeting at Potoroo the very next day at 12 noon, if and after a cyber attack occurs. We are looking to develop a proper plan that provides a support base in each of our local area's.

The most relevant things happening at the moment in the big picture which we feel we need to focus attention on are the upcoming federal election where there lies an opportunity to really push hard and encourage support for the small freedom party's or independents who support our cause to get over the line ahead of the major party's and thereby hopefully getting enough elected to claim the balance of power to force the changes we need to start to turn this ship around....the other major issue of concern is the proposal for Australia and other countries to sign up to a binding agreement where the WHO takes control of our medical system during declared pandemics, ....under this new agreement the WHO would be able to over rule our laws and force vaccinate and mandate or put those non com-pliers in detention centers etc...It must be stopped and needs to be an election issue as does the ID vaccination passport proposal and the shift to eliminate cash from our world...

It was suggested we need to look at a money system to support our cause like LETS or Sapphires or something otherwise...

Unity in the Community Concert

Craig has been working away at bringing his " Freedom of Truth Unity in the Community" rock concert together at the Merimbula Basketball undercover arena....He is needing support to get this event happening, he has the venue and a couple of top line bands have agreed to be a part of it ..The Matt Davis band, Science Fiction and hopeful of some local participants particularly focusing on freedom fighters like Damon Davies and Gary Jones who are right on there is the possibility of a very high profile freedom fighter musician being a part of it....this concert is about bringing people together something that has been missing for quite a while great to do this and shine a bright light on what we're about to the wider public..

Potoroo Gathering Sunday 13th March

Management committee will be discussing having our next Potoroo gathering Sunday week from 12noon ....Possibilities of providing an open mic opportunity and discussing our strategies moving forward and hopefully we can be privileged with some live music from Damon Davies. I am trying to organize both Darren Garmen UAP and Andrew Thaler independent both candidates in the up coming federal election for the seat of Eden Monaro to come and address and take questions from our group.....more information to follow.

Next management committee meeting this Monday evening 6pm Potoroo

Outstanding tasks to be done this week serving document to Medical centers and Pharmacists

Last week we served our follow up Lawful Notices to the medical centres in Bega ...much to our relief was that both the Chemists in Bega are no longer doing the Covid 19 vaccines...not so much because of their concern of the risks associated but mainly due to the reduced financial return they now receive or the fact they are not enjoying having to control and coerce children who do not want to be jabbed....regardless of their motives we are very pleased of their decision to stop giving them....other than that the medical centers in Bega were somewhat receptive.

This coming Thursday I would like our army of willing workers to come together and serve the same documents in the other towns please .i.e Merimbula, Tura, Pambula, Eden and Bermagui we need to get it done..Thankyou

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