The tide is turning..

The Tide is Turning...
Sundays market at Candelo... a real revelation...
In the two plus years we have been involved in this "planned illusion" trying to awaken the people... doing placard walks market stalls and generally just trying to awaken the masses...we have never had such a positive day as we did at the Candelo markets on Sunday.....So many people declaring they were awake or questioning and wanting to know what's going on in the world and who are and what are the World Economic Forum...who are these globalists and how do they affect our lives? I think we have hit on something that is way easier to engage people with rather than focusing on the vaccines...
Everybody is aware of the significant increases in the cost of living and as we know it is only getting worse...This is the thing that affects all even the most stubborn of sheep and its getting out of control...People are wanting to know why and how bad is it going to get....we can't say but we can sure explain the globalist the year 2030 "you'll own nothing and supposedly be happy" that certainly got some reactions....we dished out well over a hundred of our Great Reset flyers and also a description of the goals of agenda 2030 was very encouraging to be received so well, we plan on doing the Pambula and Merimbula markets as well...again putting our focus squarely on the globalist agenda...As you maybe aware we were rejected from doing the Merimbula & Pambula markets last year because they are run by the Rotary Clubs who believe they have the right to reject anyone who doesn't support the pro vaccine narrative...anyway as we are not there on that basis there should not be any problem...onward and upward!
Information about the wonders of MMS (chlorine dioxide)
As was mentioned last week Lee & Rian, who are both qualified Naturapaths are preparing some information packs with options & protocols that may assist people who are looking for alternate remedies for overcoming possible side effects from being jabbed and or detoxifying certainly the idea is to instill hope in those who feel they have been neglected or may have done something that cannot be fixed...Lee has been having a comprehensive look into the wonders of MMS (chlorine dioxide) which is an awesome treatment for just about everything...of course it has been condemned by mainstream medical authority's and Pharmaceutical companies...It something that is very cheap and apparently can't be patented...but is a potential huge risk/threat to the money making enterprises involved in modern medicine...So we can't have that (its not about health it's all about money) attached to this release is a list of relevant information about this wonderful substance (A few video's and testimonials....absolutely gob-smacking ...a game changer for all medicine)
Letters to Doctors
Neil Charnock has formulated a fantastic letter for us to is written to doctors and highlights the evolving statistics that reveal major concerns in regard the safety & efficacy of the vaccines, it is appealing to their duty of care to give genuine consideration to what has become apparent with the lack of effectiveness and the damage they are causing...The letter is attached and we ask that you pick out your local doctors print it off, sign it and send it to them...(it doesn't matter how many they get, more the better) Neil sent it through to Reignite Democracy and they responded very positively to it...
Global (& flat earth) walk out & Save our Cash initiative
RDA's current Save our Cash initiative is part of a worldwide movement to slow the creep of a digital currency take over, raising awareness and encouraging us to keep cash alive.
They have created flyers, options for both customers and business operator's so if you feel passionate about saving our cash go ahead and print some off and hand them over with your cash purchases...Attached are the flyers and here is a link to a quick rap from Catherine Austin Fitts who is a strong advocate for maintaining cash .....Basically Catherine is suggesting we use cash as much as all the time if possible
New Freedom of Truth flyer
Rian has been busy as always and has worked up a nice new flyer for us to give to people with a focus on offering support and potential health options for those who are not feeling quite the same after being vaxed and are feeling ignored or looking for something alternate to the mainstream medical system here is the link to this great little flyer
This Sunday's Pambula market
We are looking for volunteers again for this weekends market at Pambula, special thanks to those who attended and helped last week Lee, Paul, Connie, Rick & Rian for helping out and many other truthers visited...Special thanks to everyone who is dedicating their lives to making sure we offer up a world & life we would all like to have..
Conversation Starter
Did you know that the Social Credit System has arrived on our shores? An example you can point out to folks that aren't quite there yet is the current situation in Qld. That unvaxxed teachers are 'allowed' back to work, though on reduced pay, is a perfect example of the SCS. And this is how it starts....little by little.
If we can get people thinking about themselves in such a situation they are more likely to engage.
Small things everyone can all do to slow the communist cashless creep
Pay in cash
Shop local,
Support small business,
Bank in community banks